hair salon problem ..

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Senior Member
hi every body

this is what i have 240/120 services for hair salon , about 10 cricuit of 42 is not working and there is 0 volts reading on the breaker. the rest of the breaker works with load running fine with proper volt. i know the AC is not working and the voltage rating on it is 240 . the rest of the breaker is 120 for light and receptacle . i came to the conclusion the AC breaker is bad or one leg got shorted and shorted the rest of the 120V. can you guys suggest any other issues i might have overlooked. i noticed some flourescent lights will flicker then go off and the candescent lights come on for few seconds, dim then go off.

your suggestion is highly requested thank you.

thank you
I will bet you a hair cut you lost one leg.

I'll throw in a hair color with that one.

If you've lost power on circuits 1,2,5,6,9,10,13,14, etc, you'be lost the line on the left.

If you've lost power on circuits 3,4,7,8,11,12,15,16, etc, it's the line on the right.

Check for voltage to ground before the main (at the lugs) and again at the two bus bars. I'd say one of them is dead.
Since you said that it is a 42 circuit panel, I would venture to say it is actually a 120/208 three phase service (they make a 42 circuit single phase panel, but they are not used that much) Probally a fused disconnect in a meter group that has a blown fuse.
i came to the conclusion the AC breaker is bad or one leg got shorted and shorted the rest of the 120V.
A short would cause a breaker or fuse to pop. What you have is an open.

Measure for voltage between the line and load terminals of each phase, one at a time, across the main breaker or fuse.

You'll read approximately the line-to-line voltage across the device with the open phase.
there is 0 volts reading on the breaker

Well....there's your problem right there :rolleyes:

You have a voltage tester, follow the path back toward the source.

It seems like in the time it took to post and read this, you could have found the problem. Did you just leave them hanging? I don't get it.
Haircuts are very expensive these days anyways. :grin:

On topic, a few things to look for:

As already mentioned, a blown fuse in a main disconnect.
Bad fuse clips or switch blades in same disconnect.
Bad clip in meter socket. (Happened to my brother-in-law's salon, we found it when he bumped into the meter and the power came back.)
Bad main circuit breaker in the panel.

And yes, the flickering lights are from backfeed from the other leg(s). Same thing happened to my BIL.

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The flickering lights indicate maybe a loose connection in one of the feeders termination points. I'm not sure from your post which "side of the panel is feeding the lights that are flickering.

OP - can you post your findings once you've troubleshot the issue?

Thanks every body it was sunday night when I took a look at the job. I informed the owner I will do it monday morning. By the time I posted my question he already called somebody else. I did not mean to leave you guys hanging as to what I ultimately found out.

Thank you again for your help.
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