Handbook's diagrams, are they correct?

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Staff member
Retired Electrician
Re: Handbook's diagrams, are they correct?

Thanks Ronald. :)


jim dungar

Staff member
PE (Retired) - Power Systems
Re: Handbook's diagrams, are they correct?


Yes, I have had the pleasure of working in a box with a broken conductor. But, it is not against code only inconvenient. In fact after having had conductors break, this is one of the few ways to fix it.

We all (especially inspectors) need to remember personal dislikes need to be tempered when reading the Code. Like any legal document do not "read between the lines"


Senior Member
Re: Handbook's diagrams, are they correct?

Drawing in the proper amount of slack would clutter up the diagram. They just figure that this one part of the illustration does not matter a whole lot because they are trying to illustrate something else.

When running a single cable into a metal box in old work I oftentimes strip off 12 inches of sheath and then loop wire the ground wire around the ground screw. This saves a splic which is also a potential weak point.

I have also made up double ended grounding tails with the ground screw in the middle. Think of it as a poor man's ground bar. Since in a lot of commercial work half the boxes have an extension ring or are 3.5 inch deep concretetight, I use 18 inches of #12 solid that was ripped out of an old building and clean the ends and the middle with #220 silicon carbide abrasive paper. Since the wire is almost free I do not care if it is too long just as long as I can make up the tails in air conditioning.

I have also installed ground bars in 3-gang and larger boxes ans this is usually the only practical way to handle all the grounding wires.
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