Hard to find breakers.

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North Carolina
Looking for a Square D QOT 30 30 breaker that has 4 terminals and 2 switches. Is this type still around, if not - what can I replace them with.
Hard to find breakers

Hard to find breakers

Looking for an old breaker. A Square D QOT 30 / 30 with 4 terminals and 2 switches. It is in an old Square D Panel. Any around or possible replacements?
Southland Electric Supply in Burlington may have them. 336-227-1486. They specialize in obselete items, some rebuilt stuff, etc. I have heard. Haven't had the chance to to there yet, I will soon.
That breaker is way to small to recondition, the cost of reconditioning it would be many times more than the cost of new. Be careful buying breakers on line that are not reconditioned by a certified PEARL dealer and are fully tested. You may find some surplus ones on line, but be careful. Some on line dealers are notorious for selling counterfit breakers. As the supplier and installer you can end up in a legal mess.

Southland are real breaker guys, try them.



Thanks for that info (I hope it helps riser). We get a lot of breakers on line and i always wondered about that but never thought to ask zog! You're the bomb- that's why your truck is much nicer than mine.:D

Thanks for that info (I hope it helps riser). We get a lot of breakers on line and i always wondered about that but never thought to ask zog!

Very few do think to ask which is why there are so many websites out there hawking breakers with no cedentials. Hundreds of sites are actually the same company and they make them selves look legit by creating thier own "standards" and say they follow them.
Not breaker guys, just ivy leauge computer engineers that are very good at web marketing.
99% of thier clients have no idea how to tell if it is counterfeit, has been properly reconditioned, or what the test report should include.

Then you see the waranty, and say, can't be that risky, it has a waranty. Read those carefully, what risk does a company take with a 1 year replacement waranty for something they have thousands of in a warehouse?


Hard to find breakers even new breakers?
Try www.relectric.com
this is not an advertisement, but we use them all the time for hard to find breakers and even new breakers and they beat the local suppliers.
It's all about the cost, if the locals were loyal, they would compete!
That's how we feel.
Looking for a Square D QOT 30 30 breaker that has 4 terminals and 2 switches. Is this type still around, if not - what can I replace them with.
Try Southland Electric Supply in Burlington, NC. 336-227-1486. They carry anything they can find or buy out from someone else. Very well regarded in this area.
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