Hard wired smoke detectors


Senior Member
Can conventional hardwired interconnected smoke detectors be monitored by an alarm Co.

I am being told no by one company and yes by another.

If you can find a relay with a coil voltage that works on the interconnect wire's voltage, you can use the contacts to trigger anything.
If you can find a relay with a coil voltage that works on the interconnect wire's voltage, you can use the contacts to trigger anything.
That or a security system that will trigger alarm/trouble alert if it detects high noise levels kind of accomplishes this as well.

I have a plant with auto dialer unit for a few monitored items - temperatures, a zone that is triggered whenever their boiler goes into alarm, etc. It also dials if the unit itself loses power, if the temperature where the auto dialer is located goes outside a certain range, and does have high sound level monitoring as well, that would trigger it if something like a horn, buzzer, etc. were active and close enough to the unit.