Harmonic affects

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brian john

Senior Member
Leesburg, VA
[*]Act unprofessionally and start talking about emotion, rather than the subject at hand.

You need to reread you post. I think you will find.

You acted unprofessionally and start talking about emotion, rather than the subject at hand.
Or do the rules you make up only apply to others.


Staff member
Retired Electrician
Okay Laszlo, I will offer this on Brians behalf since he has the manners and is modest enough to not blow his own horn. Brian tracks down PQ issues all over the nation, his customers pay his lodging, meals, and travel to have him solve their PQ problems.

I hope Brian doesn't mind, but I will call him a lowly uneducated electrician and he has my utmost respect. ;)

The test equipment he has invested in and uses daily would probably buy a home in your neighborhood.

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Senior Member
Okay Laszlo, I will offer this on Brians behalf since he has the manners and is modest enough to not blow his own horn. Brian tracks down PQ issues all over the nation, his customers pay his lodging, meals, and travel to have him solve their PQ problems.

I hope Brian doesn't mind, but I will call him a lowly uneducated electrician and he has my utmost respect. ;)

The test equipment he has invested in and uses daily would probably buy a home in your neighborhood.


I would disagree because in this conversation the term educated is being used often but how the education is acquired is being implied. I will assume Brian has had plenty of education just not from a expensive 4 year college.

Now can we get back to the PQ issue...please..I would like to know how you would provide enough info to make an informed decision. Like lets see the math please.


Staff member
Retired Electrician
I would disagree because in this conversation the term educated is being used often but how the education is acquired is being implied. I will assume Brian has had plenty of education just not from a expensive 4 year college

I think the point of my post flew right over your head. :roll:

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Okay Laszlo, I will offer this on Brians behalf since he has the manners and is modest enough to not blow his own horn. Brian tracks down PQ issues all over the nation, his customers pay his lodging, meals, and travel to have him solve their PQ problems.

I hope Brian doesn't mind, but I will call him a lowly uneducated electrician and he has my utmost respect. ;)

The test equipment he has invested in and uses daily would probably buy a home in your neighborhood.


There are a lot of succesful snake-oil salesman - and I am NOT saying Brian is one, but so far he is refusing to supply his credentials - who go on for years and retire with their scam. The amount of business is not a QUALIFIER but a QUANTIFIER.

I simply asked him about his education and training peer reviewed published technical papers, independent third party evaluations, etc. Did I got an answer that I missed? Why not, one wonders?

When I hire an expert with QUALFICATIONS and evaluate him on the technical merits.

As far as equipment goes, I am reminded of the scene in Oz, in the Great Hall of Oz. The cost comparison of it to where I might live is really childish and without substance.


Senior Member
Allentown, PA
So? You highlighting the value - or lack thereof - of trade publications and manufacturer's 'infomation'. None of that excrement should be the base of any engineering assesment.

You would not earn a living in a small company if you hold yourself to these standards. It is easy to say this from behind a desk of a corporation, who pay to train you for certifications you may never use, and generally are not worth more then what they are printed on. When it comes out of your take home pay, and you need to make ends meet, I think you would be singing a different song.
You would not earn a living in a small company if you hold yourself to these standards. It is easy to say this from behind a desk of a corporation, who pay to train you for certifications you may never use, and generally are not worth more then what they are printed on. When it comes out of your take home pay, and you need to make ends meet, I think you would be singing a different song.

My Company had not paid for a single "certification" of mine. Had allowed me, and paid for expenses, to participate professional groups for the following purposes and results:
  • influence if not directly create industry standards
  • further and broaden my knowledge, therefore benefit the Corporation
  • assure that our practices are within the industry norms thus remain competititve,
  • become aware of changes and trends in the industry.
Besides of the above I sleep well while others may either have restless nights, or are oblivious to reality and don't know what hit them when the roof caves in.( Seen it so many times.)
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