Major coverage only
Major coverage only
Competition for your buisness is what lowers the price in the market place.
1) Who do doctors compete against?
2) You don't see them advertising i.e. Today's Special...Hernia operations $1000 complete. (I think they have some sort of rule about advertising, except for Plastic Surgeons)
3) The AMA is probably the strongest "Union" in the country. (there are no "Open Shop" doctors...they all belong to the AMA.
4) The "third" party payment system (Insurance Companies) we have is not accountable. The doctors charge what they want to charge and the Insurance Companies pay what portion they want to pay for it. We pick up the rest.
5) We the consumer can only control cost by not going to a doctor (until we are so sick that it ends up costing lot more money, and more lost wages until we are cured)
What should we do? It is my opinion that we look into the following scenario, it might help the situation...
1) Only have Major Medical Insurance. (If our car insurance was like our medical insurance, we would be filing a claim for a flat tire, or we would only need to pay 20% of an oil change...etc.) Major Medical would be for Cancers, Heart Problems, Broken Bones, Operations etc. Not for cuts, bruises, sniffles, sore throat, etc. This insurance would be cheaper for a younger employee (they are presumed to be healther and have a smaller chance of having a need for a claim on the insurance. This savings would be passed on to the Employer)
2) Get legislation enacted to allow for a percentage of income to be put into a personal "Health Fund" that would be non-taxed (lowering your gross income) and be "available" for doctor visit expenditures. (This money would be for the "sniffles", "cuts" etc). You could then shop around to see if it is "cheaper" at one facility then it is at other facilities. With out insurance supplimenting the doctors fees, they would forced to become more competative for your buisness. Plus you would be able to pay doctors cash instead of them spending money "billing" the insurance company. This would reduce the "doctor's" overhead so that the cost of doing business would would be reduced. (more savinigs)
3) Insurance is like "legalized gambling", and most everyone has bought in to the system. I would love to have a business where you give me money (and I determine how much) and I will pay you bills for you (and I determine how much I will pay). I will set up the odds and you can gamble whether or not you need "more" insurance!!!
This is a simplified explanation to what we have now, and how a different system could possible work given a chance. Make the Doctors become competative between themselves, and reduce the amount of control the insurance companies have.