After reading all of this information, do you have a new out look on this subject?
Not really.... I will have to put myself in the still confused category
but I'm working on it.....
The whole thing is muddy for as texie and kwired noted, I too don't recall seeing BCSC on a nameplate despite that requirement in 440.4(C) but as pointed out in the thread you referenced in Post #18, 440.4(C) states:
having a protection system that is approved for use with the motor-compressor that it protects and that permits continuous current in excess of the specified percentage of nameplate rated-load current given in 440.52(B)(2) or (B)(4) shall also be marked with a branch-circuit selection current that complies with 440.52(B)(2) or (B)(4). This marking shall be provided by the equipment manufacturer and shall be on the nameplate(s) where the rated-load current(s) appears.
which appears to me to say you don't need the BCSC rating unless the current exceeds that in 440.52(B)(2)-(4) (156%)
.. so we normally don't see BCSC as its not always required.....
so now we are back to using the BCSC or the motor compressor Rated Load Current and if the BCSC is not there as it is not needed, I assume we use the RLC. RLC I assume is RLA in this dwellins calculations in post #1 are correct.
Now my head hurts worse
I would like to add that I personally appreciate everyones input on the subject. It has been a enlightening trip even if a bit confusing.....