I'm looking to get an idea of roughly how many man hours it would take to wire a 2,000 sq ft house by yourself
Including all the following..
-basic code complient 3bed / 2bath / living / dining / garage / kitchen
2000 sq ft
-box rough in
-panel/meter install
-home runs
-wire rough in
-trim out (including 1 fixture per room)
I've seen a million posts about what people charge per sq ft or per opening and all that but every place is different, and a lot of companies fight for bids to make no money.
Is there a standard labor unit value for each opening? Or an average labor unit value per sq ft? Is it more like day by day? (Day to box, 2 days to wire, 1 day to service, 2 days to trim)??
I'd someone can help that'd be great. I've had great success getting accurate labor units for Remodel installs but nothing for full rewires or new wire homes.
Including all the following..
-basic code complient 3bed / 2bath / living / dining / garage / kitchen
2000 sq ft
-box rough in
-panel/meter install
-home runs
-wire rough in
-trim out (including 1 fixture per room)
I've seen a million posts about what people charge per sq ft or per opening and all that but every place is different, and a lot of companies fight for bids to make no money.
Is there a standard labor unit value for each opening? Or an average labor unit value per sq ft? Is it more like day by day? (Day to box, 2 days to wire, 1 day to service, 2 days to trim)??
I'd someone can help that'd be great. I've had great success getting accurate labor units for Remodel installs but nothing for full rewires or new wire homes.