I got in an argument today with my local inspector who works one day a week and makes in impossible to coordinate work and have any positive production on a project, anyway, I have 3 PVC conduits underground ,1 service (3") and 2 others for phone and cable. The guy tells me I can backfill the driveway just make sure i put the warning tape in. I used the yellow "CAUTION" tape 12" above the conduit. I say ok and do it then wait for him to show up the next day to inspect the trench. To make a long story short he failed my trench inspection because he saw the yellow caution tape and insisted that i have to use the metal tape, and the caution tape is not allowed. He said it is in the code that i had to use the metal warning tape, do i? Also my other question is the article 300.5(3) is refering to service conductors, is that in a raceway and direct burial? Please help, i want to prove him soooo wrong.