Help. NJ Electrical License Prep Course.

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Hi everyone, i am not much of a poster on this forum i just come around to see what i can learn from reading here, i just recently got my acceptance letter from the NJ board of electrical contractors to take my test and i need a good input as to who i should use to take a prep course and what reading litterature i should use to make sure i do good on this test, any input will be greatly appreciated. i know that Ron Pecina is on here and he recently got his license, we were old work mates.
I enrolled in ALAN CHECH'S EXAM PREP CLASS. He was regarded in high value from some test takers on this site and his credentials are very impressive. He does Elec, Alarms, and NJ busness law. He's 625.00 classes are 8 hrs evry Sat starting next week at the Ramada in Bordentown.You can send 300.00 dep and he will send you stuff via internet. I've taken 11 test's he sent and read all his emails with electrical data that he wants studyied. He also has told me to read the busness law book and Nafta 72 to become familiar with it. Check him out, and if your taking Oct 5th ,I'll see ya there good luck bro.
I studied from Mike Holtz prep course. 4 hrs a night for 4 months straight. DEFFINITELY, as stated before, read how to take the test. Reading the business law book, to me was soooooo boring, but it does work for some people. The fire code is laid out much easier than the NEC. GOOD LUCK!!!

Let us all know how you did!!
So below are a few books that have been recommended for me to buy and prep my self to study, let me know if i am heading the right direction any input will be greatly appreciated. also i think i will push my test date to january so i can have more time to study and prep my self better.

Five books to get for the NEC test:
1) Mike Holt: NEC Exam Prep 2008
2) Tom Henry: Calculations
3) Tom Henry: Ohms Law
4) Business law book
5) NFPA 72.
Make absolutely certain you read the introduction from Mike on how to use the book and how to take an electrical exam. That'll benefit you greatly.

Also, so what if it's a 3 hour commute? This is an investment that will undoubtedly benefit the rest of your life, and career.

Good luck!
Spend the 120-130 to stay at the hotel the night before. It's worth it, you won't need any more stress that morning. And one last thing ignore the other idiots that have taken the test 3,4,5... times before and fill your head with crap, do not listen to them. If you have studied you won't have anything to worry about.
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