Help to make this code forum better - from MHE Director

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We're going to be re-evaluating our code forum and looking at ways to make it better. Please give me some suggestions. You are the users that are on the forum, so your feedback and what you want is most important to me. Let me know what you'd like to see happen. We'll consider all requests! Thanks for your participation!
Re: Help to make this code forum better - from MHE Director

most electrical contractors now have digital cameras -- i was wondering if it is possible to post photos of things found in the field -- if so--how? could have safety violations----code violations --- special installations---etc???
Re: Help to make this code forum better - from MHE Director

Hi everyone-

I agree a picture say's a 1000 words, or something like that. Plus some of the stuff I seen is just great for laugh's.
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