help trouble shooting afci circuit

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i ran a afci protected circuit for a bedroom, both lighting and power. breaker kept tripping when a load was applied to any other circuit of the house:confused: i have gone through a series of trouble shooting manuvers and can't understand why a load applied to another circuit would trip this circuit. i tried another afci breaker..trips, i tried a regular breaker ...that holds.. but of course doesn't solve my problem. this is new construction. any advise. thanks


Staff member
I am all but certain you have a neutral from the AFCI circuit tied into another circuits neutral or the the neutral from the AFCI circuit is contacting the EGC someplace.

Lift the neutral off the GFCI and test for continuity from it to ground. If you have continuity you have a problem.


Senior Member
Baltimore, MD
iwire said:
I am all but certain you have a neutral from the AFCI circuit tied into another circuits neutral or the the neutral from the AFCI circuit is contacting the EGC someplace.

Lift the neutral off the GFCI and test for continuity from it to ground. If you have continuity you have a problem.

I agree with Bob. Almost certainly a neutral/EGC contact, or crossed neutrals.
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