Help with meter part

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I'm hoping some one out there might have a replacement jaw for my old Anchor 1601 meter socket. Pictures below:

I know it really should be replaced but the future status of my house (renovate or destroy) is in question for the moment. My goal is to tear it down in the next year. So I would like to just repair this meter for the moment. Please PM me if you have a replacement jaw to replace the over-heated one.
I have some links to some of the older A base meters, but none like that. I'd probably just jump that out. Those links are only there for when they disconnect you for nonpayment. That's how the meter reader turns off an A-base meter, since there's no stabs to put boots on.
I'm not sure if a terminal block would work because the terminals at the top are hard drawn copper that were factory formed. But it might be the only choice.
masterinbama said:
Why not install a new meter socket and reuse it on your new house.

He has a good point, you can get a meter socket for $30 - $60... and you dont have to worry about your house burning down.

You are asking for trouble if you "fix it to just get by" for a year.

This is a don't touch!!

This is a don't touch!!

Since the damaged link is on the line side of the meter, get your local POCO to fix it. You may get in trouble for tampering if you do anything to it, and unless you disconnect the service drop first it would be very easy for you to have an accidental contact that won't stop arcing 'till the service drop burns clear.
mxslick said:
. . . unless you disconnect the service drop first it would be very easy for you to have an accidental contact that won't stop arcing 'till the service drop burns clear.
And that's not something you want to be 'personally' involved in. ;)
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