Here's your sign

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iwire said:
It's not safe or legal taped outside the box.

Maybe we should use tamper proof screws. :wink:

I'm hip to this idea - for that matter booby trap them with one of those ink packs - like bank robbery bags... If you manage to get the screw out without proper procedure (Known only to us) - you get blasted with red ink.

Anyway I just had one of these before X-mas - owner moved in and was only supposed to use a certain portion of the house - because they got the boot from the place they were staying.... I come back and find it both partialy trimed and poorly and unsafely done at that - kids rooms still unpainted, untrimmed - but kids moved into them - circuits live in every box.... I opened the panel and nearly freaked at mess he had made of my work.... All he had to do was call - I was bored anyway.....
LarryFine said:
What strikes me as the most inane is the guy who was so aware of the danger that, after taking them out, declined to attempt to reinstall them, yet he had no problem with leaving them exposed and hot. :rolleyes:

"I'm not gonna touch them. It's dangerous!"

Yeah that about sums it up, it's to dangerous for me to mess with.....I will leave it for the kids to play with while brushing their teeth. :roll:
Rewire said:
It is not a matter of right or wrong its a matter of being a little safer for the fool the will remove them and for the innocent that may come in contact with them,

So where do you draw the line?

A line must be drawn, for me it is at the point someone uses tools to dismantle my work.

you are free to curse the darkness or you can turn on a light.

We are talking about tape here.....
iwire said:
So where do you draw the line?

A line must be drawn, for me it is at the point someone uses tools to dismantle my work.
I draw it at a permenant installation,if I install a recep for temporary power then I will always tape it.
I worked for a foreman who demanded I tape EVERYTHING. I saw it as a poor attempt to cover yourself for shoddy work, nothing screams harry homeowner like seeing devices with tape on them.

Granted, if its a cut in box, I will tape them.
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