Look back through my post and tell me where I said I supported AFCI because someone touched it.
Look back and tell me where I said modification requires AFCI.
let me know.
I'm sorry, I'm not putting words in your mouth, and I'm certainly not trying to. You wrote, "All I'm saying is anytime you change something you've modified it and I can see where an inspector performing an inspection might consider a modification such as this enough to warrant his call."
What was the inspector's call?
That the "modification required AFCI".
I defend the fact that he may feel something was modified.
.......And whatever the inspector feels, he is incorrect. By his reasoning, every time a direct swap out of a panel is done or a ground bar was added to separate egcs and neutrals in existing work, or even if we unpair neutrals doubled up on the N bar and move a single wire to its own screw terminal on the same bar, afci would be required- the language in 210.12(B) is clear and aimed solely at replacements/ situations like the op, and the ckts in the ops case are NOT being modified nor are the old branch ckts being extended beyond 6'.
We can engage in word play and it can be argued that "modified" means all sorts of things, but the inspector is trying to get the code to say something it clearly does not say.:happyno:
And sometimes to figure out if something is required, we go by what it doesn't say, rather than what it does.
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