Hey computer geeks

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chris kennedy said:
This my friend is way cool. Much better than guys in tights.
Okay, so go ahead and shoot holes in my new marketing idea. "Electrician's tights".

My hopes and dreams are dashed again.
chris kennedy said:

View attachment 2111

This is a pic I have posted before at full size. I have lots of room left in my Forum attachment folder. I don't get it.
Chris the forum web masters made some changes to the site probably to save room on the server. The thumbnails will appear when you post a picture from your computer. If you click on the thumbnail it will be regular size.
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chris kennedy said:

View attachment 2111

This is a pic I have posted before at full size. I have lots of room left in my Forum attachment folder. I don't get it.

It's in your folder but that folder is stored in Mike's servers and he could make them big or small or photo shop Larry Fine's face onto them.
iwire said:
or photo shop Larry Fine's face onto them.
This would crash the server. Post,censor,post,censor,post,censor.......smoke.

Dennis Alwon said:
Chris the forum web masters made some changes to the site probably to save room on the server. The thumbnails will appear when you post a picture from your computer. If you click on the thumbnail it will be regular size.
Thanks and the new format is fine with me. And I'm not just saying that so that the Forum will love me again. I don't need anyone or anything except this keyboard.....

and this lamp.....

and this duck.....

Photobucket, folks..... Photobucket.
I see it's pick-on-Larry time. Just wait until I have time to think of an appropriate resonse, you guys. You're gonna be so sorry!

So there!
If you ever want to know where any picture is truly located at (it's URL), just right-click on it, and choose Properties.

You can do this with avatars, the 'Post Reply' button, the icons above where you post, the green 'on-line' button, the little blue files next to "Mike Holt's Forum" and "Hey computer geeks" at the top left of your screen right now, the Edit and Quote buttons below..... they're all jpgs and gifs on a server somewhere.
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