hey guys its me the "apprentice"

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JONATHAN20 said:
So im still on my employment quest. i have sent out about 30 resumes. And not 1 phone call or email. i even applied to the utility company. Will someone just trust me!!! I can do the work!!!!::grin:

While you're looking have you applied at any of the electrical supply houses.
They could always use experienced people behind the counter or estimating
job materials ? :confused: It would allow you to get to know the local contractors
and develop a repoire with them .

Just a thought for a job to hold you over until you can find something more suitable
or too your liking.

Carl :)
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JONATHAN20 said:
So im still on my employment quest. i have sent out about 30 resumes. And not 1 phone call or email. i even applied to the utility company. Will someone just trust me!!! I can do the work!!!!::grin:

First off how big is you search area...30 mile radius, 50 mile radius, 100 mile radius. A larger search area will increase your odds.

Second you really haven't given any information about youself other than the fact that you graduated a 1 year electrical program. Many other things will increase your odds of finding employment.

1. Do you have dependable transportation ( car or truck )? And a valid license. The employeer is going to ask this on the job application.
2. Are you in good physical condition ? Any problems that would prevent you from doing a long hard days work.
3. Are you willing to travel? Out of town work. Many companies are going to be beating the bushes trying to find work and some of it is not going to be local.
4. Do you have a fear of heights. Will you be able to work off ladders, scaffolds & lifts.
5. Do you have any training or experience other than your electrical training? Did you learn how to weld in high school shop class. Did you rebuild the engine in your pick-up. Electrical work isn't all electrical and a well rounded mechanical aptitude will help and should be listed.
6. Do you have any bad habbits? Drinking to excess or drug use. Lot of that stuff going around these days. Being free of these can increase odds of employment.
7. Have you ever done any kind of work or did you go from high school to the tech. school. Haveing any kind of previous work experience is a plus even a part time job while in school.

Sit down and figure out what you have to offer other than just the trade school. Figure out how you are going to answer such questions as the one's above and any others that you can think of.

Knowing how to operate a back-hoe may get you a job faster than trade school if the employeer needs someone to do some trenching. Useing a ditch witch is quite common in this trade. Even knowing how to weld can come in handy. Knowing how to use a jack-hammer doesn't hurt.

Figure out what you can actually do ( better than the other guy if possible), practice your sales pitch and get out there and beat the bushes.
The first sale most people ever make is themselves. You are the product and why should they buy you over band X. :smile:
wireman71 said:
You need to take your resume in hand. Put on some mildly worn Carharts. Go to each shop ask to speak to whomever does the hiring. Have all your contact, phone numbers, prior job history in hand. Bring your social security card to in case they hire you on the spot.
Don't forget forget to bring in your DL. Most places would want to see it for insurability purposes. e/m
Krim said:
Any experienced electrician, I think, has certainly done a fair amount of welding ... intentionally or not ! Ha, Ha. :grin:

Carl :)
That's funny :) Some unfortunate few have also done arc-welding (not so funny). e/m
Jonathan, as a courtesy to all the members who have helped you here, please check back in and tell us if this information was of any value to you.
Energy-Miser said:
That's funny :) Some unfortunate few have also done arc-welding (not so funny). e/m

I'd bet not ! I wonder what the old timers' did to protect themselves before the PPE items were designed, available, and now required by law ( thank God ) too wear ?

Carl :)
peter d said:
Jonathan, as a courtesy to all the members who have helped you here, please check back in and tell us if this information was of any value to you.

Yes, please do . By the way I apologize for straying off topic in this thread.

Carl :)
I'm second generation in the industry. Back in the sixties, dad said that they used to wave a hat through an arc to break it, when they were pole top...imagine doing it that now?

There is a reason that they were "The Greatest Genration".
Rockyd said:
I'm second generation in the industry. Back in the sixties, dad said that they used to wave a hat through an arc to break it, when they were pole top...imagine doing it that now?

There is a reason that they were "The Greatest Genration".
Well, some HV disconnects use a blast of air still to extinguish the electric arc. Same principle as the wave of the hat!! Interesting story about the 60's. e/m.
Four pages of responses and the original poster has not answered... If this is an indication of your persistence, you will need to try much harder to get a job. Right now your job, is finding a job and you should be spending a minimum of 8-hours per day, 5 or 6 days per week getting hired. Sending out a few resumes and waiting for the employers to call you is not going to do it. You are a GREEN helper. One year of trade school does not make you much more valuable than someone with no training or experience. You must do something to separate yourself from the stack of resumes that a potential employer has on their desk. YOU MUST APPLY IN PERSON. You must convince them that you are going to be a dependable employee. You cannot do this in a written resume sent in the mail. You need to keep showing up and asking for work. Don't be a pest, just be available. Be the one that shows up right after the boss finds out that one of his guys is going to be late, or absent again, maybe for the 3rd time this week. There is a huge number of untrained, unskilled people out there looking for work. Convince the boss that you are worth taking a chance on. As others have said, you may need to relocate. If construction is slow in your area, go someplace where it is booming. It is predicted that there will be a need for almost 50% more construction trades workers in the Baltimore/Washington area in the next 10 years. There is a tremendous need for workers in the New Orleans area. You may need to relocate to someplace like that.
To those of you that haved asked for him to come back into this thread. From his past history on threads he has started this is his normal way, he starts a question but doesn't come back with any feedback on if it helped or not. Its too bad because there is a lot of information out there if he really wants it and keeps a open mind.
Krim said:
Hey , maybe he found a job thats keeping him too busy & tired to check back with us . I don't know his past & don't really care to know about it at this point.

Carl, whether or not you care to know his (or any members) history, you can view it by clicking on his name and select "Find all post by"

marissa2 said:
I hope that is the case, he does have a job. But it would be nice of him to let the rest of know.

Lou ,
I agree . Common courtesy would be appreciated . It's not like it would take him a long time to send an update.

marissa2 said:
But it would be nice of him to let the rest of know.

I agree.

Jonanthan, if you happen to check back into this thread, just remember that most active forum members have very good memories about "hit and run" members like yourself. We are all more than happy to help one another out, and offer advice as shown by this thread. But if you don't show a little bit of appreciation, I guarantee that people will be hesitant to help you in the future. Don't forget that you have your whole career ahead of you and this forum is a great resource to learn the trade. That doesn't mean you have to go back and say thanks for every thread, but for something as significant as helping you find a job, some courtesy would go a long way.
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