High School Science Labs

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New high school construction. Science lab counter with multiple sinks. All sinks equipped with cold water, gas and compressed air turrets for experiments. Receptacles installed within reach of all sinks on counter wall and on adjacent walls at 18" AFF. within 6 feet of sink. I can't find anything in the NEC to address this condition although my instinct says that at least the counter mounted receptacles should be G.F.C.I. protected. Please direct me to a section of the NEC that would address this condition. (If it exists)
Welcome to the forum.:)

Prior to the 2008 NEC, 125 volt 15 and 20 amp receptacles installed within 6 feet of sinks in non-dwelling unit applications were not required to be GFCI protected.

A new requirement was added in the 2008 NEC to require receptacles within 6' of non-dwelling unit sinks to be GFCI protected. (See 210.8(B)(5) 2008)

High School Science Labs.

High School Science Labs.

Thanks raider1. We are not enforcing 2008 yet. But this is good information for the future.
This is a golden opportunity to (1) Not mis-use your influence as an inspector :cool:, but instead (2) Appeal to the installer's sense of professionalism, by saying, "I can't enforce the use of GFCI receptacles, but I think it is a good safety practice, and I strongly urge you to consider providing this protection."

Welcome to the forum. :grin:

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