I have no doubt it works, grounding and bonding rules of NEC actually make conditions worse in some cases, and it is a definite problem particularly with dairy farmers even when there is a little impedance in a typical multi grounded neutral.
Step potential for a person is shorter than it is for a cow, plus they are standing in/on urine, water, and other waste with no shoes, boots or other electrical insulation. And if they are touching a metal object with their mouth/nose it may be even farther distance from that point to their back feet meaning more potential voltage. Fairly low voltages will cause a drop in milk production and even cause health issues with the cows. If the voltages are high enough they will feel it and this can cause them to not even want to approach feed or water or enter the milking parlor or other areas which makes even more problems for the dairy farmer.
Many times there is a problem the cows can feel but people can not - partly because we do not stand in same conditions barefooted with four feet on the ground - and with such a spread between feet. Following NEC helps minimize potential but does not make this current go away. When you have animals that weigh 1000 pounds or more, nothing ever gets broken either - just ask the people that work in these places and they will disagree.
The more earth connections there are in the system you have the more stray paths potentially can develop. If the earth return is from one single point to another single point (the point here may be a large point) then you have a different situation than if you have multiple connections to earth and every one of those is bonded to premises wiring systems.