Home Inspector Part 2

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lpelectric said:
Based on this scenario, the inspector would be found guilty of simple negligence and the contractor would be found guilty of gross negligence. The settlement would be divided more toward the contractor's pocket due to the more severe classification of gross than simple. :smile:

I think you should look up what joint and several liability means.
petersonra said:
I think you should look up what joint and several liability means.

You paint with an awful wide brush. :-? Attorneys (and legal people writing Codes) ((and yes even standards)) use precision of language. Attorneys to determine the minuteness of evidence to establish among other things, blame.

The level of caution, prudence or forethought legally required to avoid causing harm or loss to another person is termed reasonableness of care. In determining liability, depending on the circumstances and the relationship of the persons involved, a person may be required to exercise degrees of care variously described as "ordinary," "due," "reasonable," "great," or "utmost." Failure to meet the applicable standard constitutes a breach of duty in the corresponding degree--e.g., ordinary negligence, gross negligence, recklessness, wanton or willful misconduct, etc. :smile:
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