Homeowner charging me what to do

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I would certainly exclude specifically the work that I did not do from the final they can get that signed off on thier own as far as I am concerned. And the inspector would get an earfull from me on final about the work I did not do.
Well now, just because someone calls a receptacle a "plug" doesn't mean he is not an electrician. Down here in the south, I now several old-timers who are ace electricians who occasionally use the term.
I understand your thinking that I'm not an Electrician.

I understand your thinking that I'm not an Electrician.

:mad: :-? To the response he said install plugs big red flag

Yes I should have said Receptacles but I was typing all of it in on my pda phone so I was in a hurry. I am a Electrical Contractor the name of my company is New Level Electric look it up in New Orleans it will show my name as Ryan Dumas Owner.This is not a side job I do this for a living I am an Electrical Contractor. He had someone else install the AC disc because he said the ac man wanted to check somethings. But like I said there is no power there and there will not be untill the final inspection which I can call for when everthing is installed. So it's not like he can check anything with the disc installed still no power. I would like an apology but I don't expect one. Maybe someone could have asked me to explain first before jumping to conclusions. I just read all the posts again. You guys really are quick to judge so you can if you like even go to my myspace page and see pictures of other work I have done plus my company logo and see I am an Electrician. :mad:

Really it was very childish of everyone who said I was not an Electrician that I was a homeowner.

I have been reading this forum for almost 2 years now it is a great forum with lots of information with a lot of great people with some that just jump to a conclusion a simple message to me to explain would have been the right thing to do. Thanks to everyone who read my post and responded
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I apologize on behalf of the entire forums members.
The moderator had just ended a thread. Where the OP was asking questions that any body that new any thing at all about electrical work would not be asking.
Perhaps that was still fresh in their / our minds.

Read my post #5

Unless you get with a good contractor. Some of these houses can be a real pain. You might have to go back 10 times before every thing is ready.
Whats worst is some times it happens on the rough in. They will move walls or cut wires etc...

Those that have not made a mistake, must have not done very much at all.:D
ryandumas28 said:
:mad: :-? To the response he said install plugs big red flag

Yes I should have said Receptacles but I was typing all of it in on my pda phone so I was in a hurry. I am a Electrical Contractor the name of my company is New Level Electric look it up in New Orleans it will show my name as Ryan Dumas Owner.This is not a side job I do this for a living I am an Electrical Contractor. He had someone else install the AC disc because he said the ac man wanted to check somethings. But like I said there is no power there and there will not be untill the final inspection which I can call for when everthing is installed. So it's not like he can check anything with the disc installed still no power. I would like an apology but I don't expect one. Maybe someone could have asked me to explain first before jumping to conclusions. I just read all the posts again. You guys really are quick to judge so you can if you like even go to my myspace page and see pictures of other work I have done plus my company logo and see I am an Electrician. :mad:

Really it was very childish of everyone who said I was not an Electrician that I was a homeowner.

I have been reading this forum for almost 2 years now it is a great forum with lots of information with a lot of great people with some that just jump to a conclusion a simple message to me to explain would have been the right thing to do. Thanks to everyone who read my post and responded

Don't be so harsh on all of us..I do not know what your contract reads but I would guess you need to re-examine your contract wording..it should include the amount Home owner can do..how many trips are involved before you charge extra for service calls..stuff like that..If you are having Home owner do work on his electrical you make sure it is clearly stated so you are not held responsible for the work..

now you just pay for the install if it was part of your bid, at your cost to install and have him sign a waiver relieving you of any responsibility associated with the disconnect..You also call the inspector and tell him as well because there needs to be a permit for the install and it is not yours..Once you involve the inspector Home owner will change tune and live by the contract..

Just a learning lesson and all lessons cost in one way or another..
Ryan, the guys mean well. Sometimes, after playing electrical detective all day chasing clues in wiring, we get worked up with newer members that sound like DIY'ers.

So, how much are we talking here for the a/c disco? Couldn't be more than a hundred bucks to provide and install a disconnect. I still say, just play dumb and wait till the end and see if it works it self out.
cschmid said:
...have him sign a waiver relieving you of any responsibility associated with the disconnect..You also call the inspector and tell him as well because there needs to be a permit for the install and it is not yours...
Just deduct your install cost for the disco from your bill/original estimate (your cost for installing while on the job, not a completely separate visit). Make a detailed note what the deduction was for. Don't even pay for part of it as you want no responsibility for someone else's work. I would certainly make the inspector aware of what work was mine and what was someone else's.
You have already made an error in judgement by allowing work to be done under your license. I would at this point add a waiver to your existing contract stating you are not responsible for any work that has been done by anyone other than yourself or your employees. If the HO will not agree to these terms,you should take your lumps and go to the AHJ and level with him on what you agreed to let the HO do. Here in MI, the HO is allowed to do their own work, provided they obtain the permit for said portion. Sounds like if this guy/gal is beating you up on the cost of installing a disconnect, you can probably expect more PITA issues to arise before the job is completed, and probably after you're done as well.
If he has a libality underwriter he can't waver anything in most states without having the underwriter review and approve the contract changes.
In most jurisdictions you are the "electrician of record" for this job. No one does any electrical work on the job that is not authorized by you. You are responsible for any problems caused by elctrical installation. No amount of "work being slow" would make it worth it for me to risk my reputation, license, insurance, and everything that I own to allow a homeowner to do work under my license. If you agreed to that, you will have to live with it. As for the A/C disconnect, tell the homeowner that you will be happy to credit him for the disconnect, BUT you will have to charge him for taking it apart and checking to make sure that it was installed correctly (after all you are responsible for it) and if anything is found to be deficient he will also have to pay for the correction.
I hope you have learned a big lesson here. In this jurisdiction, this is a major no-no.
ryandumas28 said:
The homeowner wanted to save money on the electrical so he asked me if he installed the lights if I would charge him less I said yes because I am slow right now.

If the homeowner does any work, it costs more not less, because you have to spend time, checking or re doing all the work he did.
Really it was very childish of everyone who said I was not an Electrician that I was a homeowner.

Don't be so sensitive. We are construction type tough guys......right?

Credit him 12 bucks for the disco and 15 minutes labor.

Learn a lesson and don't do this type of thing again. People like this will bleed you dry one dollar at a time.


The Receptacles, Switches and plates are installed the only thing left is a few circuit breakers. As far as the disconnect he is trying to charge me $330.00. His other electrician said my wire was to small for the ac so he removed my wire and ran his out to the disc. I had 10 gauge for a 2ton ac. He ran 6 gauge in 1" conduit with a 60 amp disc here is the best part he installed a 30amp disc with 6 gauge wire with a 60amp breaker.
ryandumas28 said:
He ran 6 gauge in 1" conduit with a 60 amp disc here is the best part he installed a 30amp disc with 6 gauge wire with a 60amp breaker.

Absolutely, #6 sounds overkill and the breaker as well. What does the name plate say?

I heard New Orleans isn't exactly on top of their game when it comes to inspections these days. Is this correct?
Let me get this straight you ran number ten to the air conditioning area..then someone else came in and rewired the work..they furnished the wire and the materials..So you had ten installed and new guy calls you a dummy rips it all out and reinstalls..now breaker costs are the same disconnect is the same only price difference is the wire..

When new electrician was done it still did not run from lack of power to the panel or is panel energized..

I can see where you are having a problem but I believe the HO called and requested it and you did not comply trying to save cash in the form of grouping visits..The real issue is whether he was able to perform the tests on the AC unit when completed..If not then you need to document because you are going to have trouble collecting the final paycheck..You will be in court for your money..The hand writing is on the wall or should I say the AC unit..Your time frame and owners is not working out..

I would trim out the house to were you are finished now and rework the final payment and be done..there is no call backs on this job and only negative reviews from HO..I would minimize the damage and move on..
Wow, you got troubles my friend. However, you have the law on your side.

We installed a circuit for a 2 ton last week. Seems like the Min was 19a and the max was 30a. We ran #12 and a 30a breaker.

The first thing I would do, would be to contact the AHJ and tell them about how this other guy was doing work on your permit.

Also, since you install the wire and it passed the inspection, then you fulfilled your part of the contract.

Please keep us posted.
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