Honesty pays

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I think it's a good policy to immediately count cash in front of the customer. Likewise, look at a check especially that the number is written out correctly, dated correctly, signed, etc.. It's not a trust issue. People make mistakes and you need to catch it immediately. On overpayments I send a paid invoice that shows the overpayment. Then if the chandelier is $2k you deduct $500 as normal business.
I was once handed supposedly $600 in cash for a job. When I counted it later it was only $500. I called him back but because I did not count it on the spot (which I now ALWAYS do) he had to trust that I was not cheating him. Luckily we got it sorted out but it is always easier to deal with it sooner vs. later.
Although I definitely agree that you should count cash in front of the customer, I rarely look at the check a customer gives me before putting it in my pocket. I usually maintain casual eye contact and continue the conversation that we were having, fold the check and put it in my pocket.

If there is something wrong with the check, I WILL get that situation settled. But now I have the upper hand. "I trusted that you [gave me the proper denomination]/[signed the check with a signature the bank recognizes]/[put the correct date on the check]/etc...

Sometimes people make mistakes but when they recognize that you trusted them it helps in future negotiations. Sometimes there will be no future negotiations, but if there are there is a little something extra in your corner.
doing the right thing

doing the right thing

I dont know if this counts but thought i would post it, i worked for a company in New York for 5 yrs the owner was a good guy i looked after the electrical of all the jobs he had going but was only on the payroll as an employee, i was moving to california last summer and we had a bit of a party for me goin away, the day before i left he rang me and asked to meet up i said yeah no problem went for a beer with him and as we talked over all the work and good times we had he thanked me for everything i had ever done for him sayin he never had to question anything i ever did, and the work was always top notch, he reached me an envelope saying that if things didnt work out in california i could alwayus walk back into a job with him in the morning, when i got home i looked at the envelope it had 5g in 100 dollar bills. I never had anything make me feel more apreiciated in my life made me feel really good but sad i was leaving a good boss.
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I dont know if this counts but thought i would post it, i worked for a company in New York for 5 yrs the owner was a good guy i looked after the electrical of all the jobs he had going but was only on the payroll as an employee, i was moving to california last summer and we had a bit of a party for me goin away, the day before i left he rang me and asked to meet up i said yeah no problem went for a beer with him and as we talked over all the work and good times we had he thanked me for everything i had ever done for him sayin he never had to question anything i ever did, and the work was always top notch, he reached me an envelope saying that if things didnt work out in california i could alwayus walk back into a job with him in the morning, when i got home i looked at the envelope it had 5g in 100 dollar bills. I never had anything make me feel more apreiciated in my life made me feel really good but sad i was leaving a good boss.

and now you're back in new york?
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