Hot Lighting Poles

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Re: Hot Lighting Poles


Now lets hope no one tries to wire a post light like that.

Even though I feel it is allowed it seems like an extremely bad idea. :eek:
Re: Hot Lighting Poles

Thank's Charlie
Hope to see ya in Des Moines.

Thank's Don, Bob, And Pierre

I still don't think 250.32(B)(2) Was intended for pole mounted fixtures fed by a branch circuit from the load side of a service. And with 250.3 pointing to 410.17, and 250.112(J) pointing to the requirements of 410 part V as to how they should be grounded kind of back's this up. But I have to agree that with the wording of 250.32(B)(2) It doesn't disallow it, And even the wording of 250.134 kind of support's it. Even if 225.32 Exception #3 was added to 250.32(D) it would only disallow it if the disconnect was located remote which would support this view. But I'm with you Bob I will still make sure there's an EGC to every light pole I install.
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