Hot swapping of electrical parts

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Again, lacking specifics. Specific tasks, if justified to create a larger hazard to de-energize that work hot can be done with specific task based training and an EEWP which is issued each time the task needs to be performed. Custom classroom and hands on training for the workers is required (All the details of the trailing are in the 70E)and employees must have documentation of the training for each specific task they are "qualified" to do, then an EEWP is issued and the task is performed wearing the correct shock and arc flash protection PPE as determined by an engineering analysis.

I developed this type of training for major auto and steel manufactures for many years, there is a lot that goes into it, not something that can be easily answered here.

Thank you! So, if the company were looking for someone like yourself, to develop this training and appropriately dole it out to their employees. how would they find someone like yourself. The company is locating in Central Georgia, USA.

Thank you! So, if the company were looking for someone like yourself, to develop this training and appropriately dole it out to their employees. how would they find someone like yourself. The company is locating in Central Georgia, USA.


See my observation at post #19. You can create the finest training program on the planet and have all kinds of checks and balances in place. That won't change the fundamental fact that working hot in this case is ONLY for the convenience of the company. You have not articulated any safety reason from them that the machines can't be shut down (eg will result in a crater a mile wide and 300 feet deep). This would not fly if it came to light on an OSHA inspection.
Thank you! So, if the company were looking for someone like yourself, to develop this training and appropriately dole it out to their employees. how would they find someone like yourself. The company is locating in Central Georgia, USA.


I'll send you some contacts
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