Hot Tub - Bonding

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Trying to confirm that I do not have 2 run a #8 bonding conductor from the Hot Tub control box
2 the 50 amp disconnect GFCI spa panel. A #10 epuipment grounding conductor run with the feeder conductors is all I need between the Hot Tub and the spa disconnect panel. This is an outdoor package unit.
That is correct but unless you are under the 2011 and meet certain criteria then you must install an equipotential bond (#8) around the tub and terminate on the motor lug.
Trying to confirm that I do not have 2 run a #8 bonding conductor from the Hot Tub control box
2 the 50 amp disconnect GFCI spa panel. A #10 equipment grounding conductor run with the feeder conductors is all I need between the Hot Tub and the spa disconnect panel. This is an outdoor package unit.

I would check the manufactures installation requirements. Most time the Hot Tub manufacture will spec out a #8 or #6 coper grounding conductor and also will spec out the wire size for the feeder conductors as well.

2011 NEC 680.41 high lighted text in handbook

"The equipotenial bonding requirements of 680.26,located in part II of article 680, are amended by 680.42(B) only for tubs with metal bands or hoops used to secure wooden staves and for metal-to-metal mounting on a common base. All the other bonding requirements in 680-26 apply to outdoor spas and hot tubs, including the packaged and self- contained types. "
There is a TIA for the 2011 NEC on the EPB.

680.42(B) Bonding. Bonding by metal-to-metal mounting on a common frame or base shall be permitted.
Exception No. 1: The metal bands or hoops used to secure wooden staves shall not be required to be bonded as required in 680.26.
Exception No. 2: A listed self-contained spa or hot tub that meets all of the following conditions shall not be required to have
equipotential bonding of perimeter surfaces installed as required in 680.26(B)(2):
(1) Is installed in accordance with manufacturer?s instructions on or above grade.
(2) The vertical measurement from all permanent perimeter surfaces within 30 horizontal inches (76 cm) of the spa to the top
rim of the spa is greater than 28 inches (71 cm).
Informational Note: For further information regarding the grounding and bonding requirements for self-contained spas and hot
tubs, see ANSI/UL 1563 ? 2009, Standard for Electric Spas, Equipment Assemblies, and Associated Equipment.
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