Hot water

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So what requires a sink to have hot water?

I don't know,.. that's why I indicated a gamble ,..IMO not much of one,.. this state loves to regulate , I'd be surprised if we had the freedom required to choose to supply a bathroom sink with cold water only ..
Well it looks like I owe someone my socks:mad:

Below is the Massachusetts plumbing code law for water temperature in a restroom sink. As noted there is a maximum temperature but not a minimum.
248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code
(CMR) Code of Massachusetts Regulations
10.14: Water Supply and the Water Distribution System
(3) Conservation of Water.
(a) Conservation of Hot Water.
1. Lavatory faucets in public toilet facilities shall:
b, Be equipped or installed with devices which limit the outlet temperature to a maximum of 110EF.
We set the school temperature to be about 80 -95 in the restrooms. The logic is that students coming from the outside with cold hands could easily get burned or the sensation of burning if the temperature was any higher.
I think I need my socks back,.. I guess tha AHJ will decide what hot is ,. since there does not seem to be a min temp.:-?

<H2>10.14: Water Supply and the Water Distribution System
(1) Potable Water Supply.
(a) Buildings.
  1. Every building equipped with plumbing fixtures and used for human occupancy or habitation shall be provided with a potable supply of cold water in the amounts and at the pressures specified in 248 CMR 10.14.
  2. For permanent residences or buildings in which people are employed, hot water shall be provided.
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