Hotbox vs Blanket

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in my experiance, hot boxes work faster, but blankets are nice because you can wrap them around pvc that is already installed. Its a good idea to get a set of conduit plugs to hold the heat inside the pipe while you are working with it.
ultramegabob said:
in my experiance, hot boxes work faster, but blankets are nice because you can wrap them around pvc that is already installed. Its a good idea to get a set of conduit plugs to hold the heat inside the pipe while you are working with it.

Hot boxes are great for making multiple bends quick and easy, but like you said, blankets are for great for tight quarters and the blankets are smaller in length for just making offsets, at least the 1/2" to 1 1/2" blanket. The 2" - 3" blanket is full size. I have all three.
ultramegabob said:
If I was only going to choose one, I would probably get the blanket, overall its more versitile.

Yep, me too, at least for starters, eventually get the hot box though, it is very useful. or just stick with manufactured fittings...:grin:
stickboy1375 said:
I forgot about that, I keep that on my truck, works excellent, a little slow with 1" but gets the job done.

I have bent a saddle in a stick of 2" pvc with a heat gun, it takes a while, but it can be done.
you can buy cheap plumbing pvc caps, or just use duct tape, or shove a rag in the pipe.

edit- if you go to a plumbing supply house, plumbing expansion plugs cost less than greenlee pvc conduit plugs do....
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scwirenut said:
im mainly wanting to save on fittings for 2-1/2"-4". are the plugs really needed, or are there other tricks?

Sounds like mostly underground type work, for me, I'd go with the hot box.

The caps or plugs are the trick, duct tape doesn't do the trick for me.
scwirenut said:
Im in the market for a versatile pvc bender. I would like 1/2- 4" . what are the pros and cons of each, also please list all the tricks... thanks
look on ebay for an induction heater pvc bender. I think you will like what you see.
I say if you are going to be making alot of bends at one time it is alot easier to do it with a hotbox, but like it has been already said a blanket is alot more versatile.
Is it true that the blanket has a limited life in comparison to a hot box? Had heard that but would like it know if it's a fable or not.
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