hours in a week

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Senior Member
im curious as to how many hour you guys typicaly work in a week. also what end of the trade are you in and where your at. i do industrial/ commercial in the midwest and a normal week is from about 60 hrs when we are busy to about 30 when we are slow. is this about normal around the country
I work 40hrs/wk, typically I do not work OT. There are plenty of guys in our company that love OT, and I let them take it.

My company is pretty good about the slow times. We usually get 40hrs, maybe a couple short weeks. If they know we are gonna be slow for a while then they will lay off some of the "dead wood" and keep the rest of us working 40hrs.
right now about 50-60 in the field office and another 10 in the home office...i try never to visit the office office if I can help it:D
I try to only work 40 hours a week. They try to get me to work late or on weekends, and usually thats because of other peoples poor planning, poor attendance, and poor work ethic. I will work OT if it's unavoidable, but I don't like going on other peoples job, if they have been slacking, to help catch them up on weekends. I do electrical service, not day care service. That takes a differant license.
I work commercial construction and am finishing up a 10-week three-story retail shell. I kept close to a 40-hour schedule most of the project with the exception of:

3AM outage to install bus tines and 200A house panel bkr in 2000A switchboard.

2AM outage to terminate two 600A SDE's (service distribution enclosures) to the POCO's phase collection box.

6AM start time for my 3-man crew to use the steelworker's boom-lifts to install some of the 3rd-story soffit lighting that we couldn't reach with the 19' scissor-lift.

The GC super repeatedly asked me to stay late, work weekends, and bring in more people. I knew my crew's capability and my project manager kept the faith and we resisted the GC.

Like The Iceman says, poor planning on other's part doesn't generate an emergency for me. I cut my crew loose Tuesday. My electrical final passed Wednesday. My deadline was Friday, Aug 15.
At a minimum 60, was 80 till I had a heart attack. When slow 60-70.

But OT is MANDATORY in my end of the business, some testing firms give their guys of one day during the week when the OT becomes excessive.
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Leave the house around 8 ...drink coffee and BS at the supply house....on the job around 9..... quit any where from 3 to 4...and only four days a week....clean up the truck and figure some estimates on friday morning
I'm an employee, When I do work I usually put in 72-84 a week. but I only work 3 months in the spring and 3 in the fall. plus or minus a few weeks.

A few of my buddies just got fired because they formed a mutiny about traveling so far for work and working extended hours. They just never showed up for work. EC lost the contract not sure what else went down. My buddies had a job the next day for way more money.
khixxx said:
I'm an employee, When I do work I usually put in 72-84 a week. but I only work 3 months in the spring and 3 in the fall. plus or minus a few weeks.

A few of my buddies just got fired because they formed a mutiny about traveling so far for work and working extended hours. They just never showed up for work. EC lost the contract not sure what else went down. My buddies had a job the next day for way more money.

Sounds like you work "Turn Arounds"? Now your talk'n
Mule said:
Sounds like you work "Turn Arounds"? Now your talk'n

Yes, usually power plants, I once got hired in just incase. working 6 12s on nights just sitting in the shop for 4 weeks is honestly know fun. Coming from a construction background I lose my mind at times. I usually try to brush up on my code, and photoshop skills :)
I'll work 60 if I need to but I wont like it.Ill stay on a job as long as needed or untill someone tells me I need to leave. I but I always make sure I take at least a month off in a year. Work hard play hard thats my motto. And when I work for other EC's I was an overtime whore. I would almost never say no. But in a normal week Ill work 50-55 hours.
khixxx said:
Yes, usually power plants, I once got hired in just incase. working 6 12s on nights just sitting in the shop for 4 weeks is honestly know fun. Coming from a construction background I lose my mind at times. I usually try to brush up on my code, and photoshop skills :)
For a brief time I worked in a Hospital. It was the most boring time of my life. Some guys really like dragging their feet and trying to find reasons why a certain task cant be completed. Not for me I need to be kept busy.
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