hours in a week

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Mule said:
Sounds like you work "Turn Arounds"? Now your talk'n
It's times like those when productivity and safety take a real hit. After a certain number of hours, your chances of screwing up go through the roof.
When I was in industry I worked 60+ hours a week. I work for myself now and sometimes I work 60+ hours a week and sometimes I work 20. As long as the bills are getting paid I'm not inclined to spend all my time working any more. I'm pretty certain I won't be on my death bed saying,"Gee I wish I hadn't spent so much time fishing and riding my Harley.":smile:
I try to leave the house by 9. I goto the coffee shop til 10:30. Go check jobs til noon. Goto lunch til 1:30. Go check jobs again til 4:30. Goto watering hole to relieve my stresses fromthe day.:smile:
It's been a strange year. Sometimes I'm working 20s & sometimes I'm working 60s. Not many 40s. Tomorrow will be 7 days in a row (13 out of the last 14) & a couple days last week were 12s. Someday I'll learn about marketing & even it out.

khixxx said:
Yes, usually power plants, I once got hired in just incase. working 6 12s on nights just sitting in the shop for 4 weeks is honestly know fun. Coming from a construction background I lose my mind at times. I usually try to brush up on my code, and photoshop skills :)

Ah, Ive been around alot of you guys, as I've pushed alot of crews for turnarounds. Met anlot of really nice folks from all over. And yes the 7/12's get old, But you finally get in the groove...then as it gets closer to start up you go to 16's, or even more,
peter d said:
Ok just what is a "turnaround"?

Turnarounds are jobs where industrial plants shut down production to complete upgrades, preventative maintenance, cleaning and the like. Plant downtime is so costly, the window for this work is really tight, causing all the OT and long hours

There is a population of craft folks (Electrcians, Instrumentation, Pipe fitters, and whole host of folks) that travel around doing these jobs. These folks work these "Turnarounds" putting huge amounts of O.T. and then take off large amounts of the year. They can make a years wages in one quarter !!But as earlier stated, Productivity and safety are always big issues with this type of work, But is a nescessary evil, and part of the electrical market.
Mule said:
Turnarounds are jobs where industrial plants shut down production to complete upgrades, preventative maintenance, cleaning and the like. Plant downtime is so costly, the window for this work is really tight, causing all the OT and long hours
Reminds me of a song (most things remind me of a song). The Shutdown Blues
mdshunk said:
Reminds me of a song (most things remind me of a song). The Shutdown Blues

Ha thats pretty good....that guy was probably making $87.50 on double time, being a hole watch while he wrote that .....:smile: Lets see $87.5x12hrs=$1050 per day, Oh yes dont forget perdium....haha
peter d said:
Marc, are you sure you're not a secret musician? :)
Yes, I sing in secret, when I don't think anyone else is listening. Doesn't always work out, and has made for some embarrassing moments. Nontheless, the stuff on the site I linked to is pretty good, in general; full of songs geared toward the tradesman.
mdshunk said:
Yes, I sing in secret, when I don't think anyone else is listening. Doesn't always work out, and has made for some embarrassing moments. Nontheless, the stuff on the site I linked to is pretty good, in general; full of songs geared toward the tradesman.
I still think you are Bill Cullen's son.
I was asked to work from Dec 26 to Jan 18 th for as many hours as I liked a few years ago. I usually stayed on-site, at least 12 hours a day, alone, until my butt was about 6" from the ground. The OT was good but I felt like a whipped pup.

Then I said never again!
I once worked 63 straight days, 80 hours or so a week. Like someone else said, I too was an overtime whore.

Now, I fight overtime, I decide whether it's necessary or not, usually it's not.
My first summer in the trade we worked 5-12's, a 10 on Saturday and 8 Sunday for 3 months. paid for my first car. 2.50 an hour ST, 3.75 an hour OT, I thought I was rich.

No I make twice that and have trouble making ends meet.
brian john said:
My first summer in the trade we worked 5-12's, a 10 on Saturday and 8 Sunday for 3 months. paid for my first car. 2.50 an hour ST, 3.75 an hour OT, I thought I was rich.

No I make twice that and have trouble making ends meet.
i hear ya one of these days im gonna get me one of them talkin picture boxes:grin:
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