hours in a week

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brian john said:
Our long days come from blowups and switchgear rebuilds. We do have our share of sitting waiting for the data center to power down. I have sat hours and hours just waiting for the word to power down. Hospitals are famous for this at the moment we are schedule to "pull the switch" they have an emergency and dare not cut power (and I understand fully). I'd rather be working, than sitting doing a SODUKO.

Sounds like your customers need to PM more often.........I like your IR picture on your signature....I detect "emissitivity" on your lens...:smile:
mdshunk said:
It's real easy to spend other people's money. :cool:

Your right, but those testing companies get their dollar either way right? Either PM or fix it....pay em now or later...:smile:
Mule said:
Your right, but those testing companies get their dollar either way right? Either PM or fix it....pay em now or later...:smile:
Very true, but you really need to bite your tongue if you're using language like that while trying to sell a PM contract. "Pay me now or pay me later" is certainly true, but it conjures up images of a sleazy slick salesman.
mdshunk said:
Very true, but you really need to bite your tongue if you're using language like that while trying to sell a PM contract. "Pay me now or pay me later" is certainly true, but it conjures up images of a sleazy slick salesman.
Just a observation on my part, I dont sell PM's, but your right
The classic is a busway connection showed up on an IR scan as having a thermal issue. We quoted a price for off hour inspection and possible repairs, this was one of several issues. The property manager over ruled the facility guy and shot down spending anymore money in that fiscal year. I went there to pitch doing only the critical stuff mainly the busway. No deal.

10 months later KABOOM, late at night middle of the week, vaporized two sections of the busway and water did the rest to the vertical riser below 4 floors. Tough to explain to your tenants and the insurance company.
brian john said:
The classic is a busway connection showed up on an IR scan as having a thermal issue. We quoted a price for off hour inspection and possible repairs, this was one of several issues. The property manager over ruled the facility guy and shot down spending anymore money in that fiscal year. I went there to pitch doing only the critical stuff mainly the busway. No deal.

10 months later KABOOM, late at night middle of the week, vaporized two sections of the busway and water did the rest to the vertical riser below 4 floors. Tough to explain to your tenants and the insurance company.

If someone got hurt could that be a negligence lawsuit case?

Before Crystal was about to go under in the early 80's Lee Iacocca was looking for government money. He finally told congress to pay now or pay more later. I think he wanted 1 billion to save the company but if the company went under it would cost the government billions in workers not employed.
Hours in a week

Hours in a week

These days I don't even know my hours
Just enjoy my work and the time I spend doing it and work until I get tired or the job is done
In my younger days I mostly worked 40 hours and overtime if needed
Overtime was needed more in commercial work than resendital work
It is really good not to watch the clock anymore
Semper Fi Buddy
jeremysterling said:
The GC super repeatedly asked me to stay late, work weekends, and bring in more people. I knew my crew's capability and my project manager kept the faith and we resisted the GC.

Like The Iceman says, poor planning on other's part doesn't generate an emergency for me. I cut my crew loose Tuesday. My electrical final passed Wednesday. My deadline was Friday, Aug 15.
It could just be me, but it seems more and more like everyone is pressing everyone else to work faster, or get done faster...even if they have a set in stone deadline and they're on schedule.:roll:
DanZ said:
It could just be me, but it seems more and more like everyone is pressing everyone else to work faster, or get done faster...even if they have a set in stone deadline and they're on schedule.:roll:

That's what I've been seeing for the last few years too. A lot of jobs hire these young hot shot kids and pay them a lot of money, but if they don't perform, they're gone. So they push and push to show that they can get the job done, and to get the performance bonus. it's not about quality it's about money.

Somebody told me there was a company that said they could put up a fast food resturant in 60 to 90 days.

I don't understand the fast track mentality. We built a mall here in town and they told us when it was going to be done, even putting up a countdown sign on the freeway. We now have a $50m piece of crap that's supposed to be the gem of the city.
cowboyjwc said:
That's what I've been seeing for the last few years too. A lot of jobs hire these young hot shot kids and pay them a lot of money, but if they don't perform, they're gone. So they push and push to show that they can get the job done, and to get the performance bonus. it's not about quality it's about money.
We do that too, we just don't have a young hot shot, it's an old man that doesn't really get that good things need time.
cowboyjwc said:
Somebody told me there was a company that said they could put up a fast food resturant in 60 to 90 days.
That is kind of understandable if you're only doing one restaurant all the time. There's only so many layouts you to familiarize yourself with, and once you have those down, you can start fast tracking them.
cowboyjwc said:
I don't understand the fast track mentality. We built a mall here in town and they told us when it was going to be done, even putting up a countdown sign on the freeway. We now have a $50m piece of crap that's supposed to be the gem of the city.
I think a lot of it comes from outside the world of construction. Most people don't know what it takes, so they think it's easy and can be done quick, so they push the PM, who pushes the GC, who pushes the subs...

I had a project I was working on a few months ago, and the owners (a group of specialized surgeons) were happy they finally had a floor plan they all agreed on, because they thought all you needed to submit for a permit in commercial is a floor plan.

If you put yourself in a normal person's shoes, you can easily some up with something like "How does it cost $150 to install an outlet?!?", which would be answered with "Well, it's two hours labor, plus materials.", which leads to "It's only a box in the wall! How can it take two hours?!?".

The fast track mentality works well, when properly applied. On top of that, it has to be well managed. It usually never is! People see one building built in three weeks, so they expect theirs done that fast. They don't know the other one is just a shell.

You know, just the other day I was looking at a car wash that is being built, and I said something like, "Man, they've been working on that for two months, how can they not be done?":roll: :D
don't understand the fast track mentality. We built a mall here in town and they told us when it was going to be done, even putting up a countdown sign on the freeway. We now have a $50m piece of crap that's supposed to be the gem of the city.

A lot of this boils down to money. Banks make construction loans, owner has to repay this loan, the sooner he can get tenants in and rent starts flowing the sooner he can pay off the construction note get permanent financing. Delays can cost a small fortune.
My personal favorite is when a HO tries to play GC and he tries to have all the trades working at the same time in a tight space. If I go to work on a small Kit or bath remodle and I see all the trades Ill tell the HO call me when the plumbers, Hvac, Carpenters, trim guys, painters, tree guys, landscapers, invisible fence guys, etc are done. And he just gives me a look kinda like this....:-? :-?
You know, just the other day I was looking at a car wash that is being built, and I said something like, "Man, they've been working on that for two months, how can they not be done?":roll: :D
Thats alls right I got you beat, I got off the last job after 9 months and they were finally (trying to - but not open)opening a convience store ... I was on a 5 Story, daily passing their construction ...
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speedypetey said:
How is it physically possible to work 80+ hours a week. Even at 7 days a week this is 12 hours a day.

I've seen worse. If you really want scary...

In a previous life I was a shift supervisor for the nitroglycerin line. One of the lead men on the line clocked 108 actual hours worked. Six doubles and a shift and a half. I saw the actual time sheet, all signed and approved. Shortly thereafter the line went from 2-shift to 3-shift operation. Still, if anything had happened during that week, severe unpleasantness would have ensued for everyone in the management chain, I'm sure.
tonyou812 said:
My personal favorite is when a HO tries to play GC and he tries to have all the trades working at the same time in a tight space. If I go to work on a small Kit or bath remodle and I see all the trades Ill tell the HO call me when the plumbers, Hvac, Carpenters, trim guys, painters, tree guys, landscapers, invisible fence guys, etc are done. And he just gives me a look kinda like this....:-? :-?
Hey, we do that too! Well, not that bad, we usually only have 2 or three subs in at one time, plumbing, EC and HVAC...if the space is big enough, and no one has to lug some huge thing through the space...so, uh, if it's done properly and well coordinated, it can be done.
I was on a McDonalds job one time. I felt like a monkey in a zoo. I put the zoo part in because people would stop in wanting food then get mad when they couldn't get food. Building didn't even have the cooking appliances in yet.
Connecticut Drug Addiction

Connecticut Drug Addiction

I felt like a monkey in a zoo. I put the zoo part in because people would stop in wanting food then get mad when they couldn't get food.

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