How has business been in the last three months?

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LOL. How is losing money going to keep you afloat?

I think I can answer that one. If you are on a leaky raft ( like the one Hillbilly was talking about ) and you are out in the middle of the ocean and you have several bags of gold on board then it might be wise to dump a few just to stay afloat.

Other than that it makes no sense at all. :grin:
this week were swamped. We landed a ball field couple miles of pvc. Weve been getting 40 plus hours but were still down to 6 guys from 40 a few years ago. Weve got one custom coming and a few commercial projects. One was supposed to start in feb and we havent started it yet. Its there just waiting on go. Tracts are keeping one crew busy. So weve got work thankfully
I have stayed busy all this year, we specialize in retail remodels. Some stores are increasing remodels as there business' have picked up. We have had some lull's, a couple weeks here and there but mostly kept everyone busy. We did have to go out of state for a little while, have been turning that work down for years but ended up doing ok on the jobs and will continue to do it when we can.
I was very busy last year but it started slowing at the beginning of this year, it has gotten to the point now where we are so slow I am beginning to really believe in the word recession. I have a good size job that I have been waiting to start since the first of the year and it looks like it is finally about to kick off.
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