How is too long II

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I don't need glasses ; my arms aren't long enough. I agree that years of working the hours that I have worked have taken a toll on my body. But I refuse to let it get me down. I will make up for my physical shortfalls with the years of knowledge that I have gained (most of it here)
Im thirty seven but I still enjoy a hard days work. I refuse to tell myself Im too old or that some body part is bothering me. I love it when a 20 year old tells me he's tired and Im still going full steam.I dont smoke and still work out a bit which really seems to help.
That being said that dosent mean that I want to be "pulling rope" forever. I think that there is a natural progression in any job. And with some carefull planning you can put yourself in a better position. And after twenty thirty years I want to be the guy sighning the front of the check.
Ha, I remember 40, 50, also 60. If you enjoy what you do, you will never have a job. I have had a few jobs but that is life, but since I been a electrican I can honestly say I joyed every minute. The harder the work the joy I experienced. I remember working with this really old guy and we were busting butt and he looks up at and says ain't this fun. I learned alot from him. I have always worked out. I played handball 20+, rollerblade, hiked,biked,walked,etc. Use it or lose it, goes for mentally and physically.
brian john said:
Did you notice at 40 or so glasses became part of the uniform?
At 50 some of the younger guys could beat you up the stairs?
Getting moving in the morning seems to take longer?
Aches and pains seem to be the norm.
You realize that ahhh so be it and keep going, because that is the way of life.
OH and your mind goes TOO in the title should be TWO.......

I was lucky, I didn't need them till 46, and I need a new set now (52)
Usually, but I can still outwork both my boys... and I love rubbing it in :grin:
Yeah, mornings are REALLY rough... the aches, pains, and temp no-brain
I just think of Dory from Finding Nemo... just keep swimming, swimming...
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