How long is to long?

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rustyryan34 said:
I just had a couple questions for everyone,

How old you are?

37 (as of yesterday :grin: )

rustyryan34 said:
I just had a couple questions for everyone,

How long have you worked in the electrical field?

2 years in high school. 12 years currently.

rustyryan34 said:
I just had a couple questions for everyone,

Do you work for someone or own you own company?

I have been licensed since '99 and changed over my license to the company I work for now about 5 years ago. No real desire to venture out on my own. Things are working well now.

rustyryan34 said:
I just had a couple questions for everyone,
I was just wondering till what age you plan on still working out in the field?

Tough one to answer. I love the field work and don't really want to do anything else unless that involves communicating to a crew by confrence call from the back nine. :grin: I do worry about the toll our trade takes on the body and aging comes faster the older you get. :wink:
How old?

How old?

I am so old that I do not buy green bananas anymore!:grin: I have been working since I was 13. I use to think that I worked for myself,:confused: Now I just think that I work for the big oil companies!!:mad:, and a lot of people that are smarter than me because they have watched a few home repair shows!:roll: When do I plan to retire?? I will get back with you on that one!:grin:
rustyryan34 said:
Leaving the field at 28?
What job are you planning on getting into?

Im 25 and had been working in the field for 5 years for someone else. But i still dont know what i want to do.
They have a plan, if your don't have a plan, you plan to fail.

Its never to late of a formal education, I went back to school at 27.
Granted it was only a two year thing but hey, they can't take it from me either.

One makes there own History in this Life, finding the tools to make history thats always the problem - Jude
I'm 29, did my first electrical "side job" when I was 14 (got paid to install recessed lighting, chandeliers, fixtures, change devices from white to ivory, to Decora, etc) and been doing electrical work ever since (summers in between school at first, working for local EC's) I wanted to start a business last year but the plans fell through....I doubt it's ever going to happen.

I presently work for a small EC. My plan is not to be doing electrical work by this time next year. I'm hoping to land a job at a Poco.
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cadpoint said:
They have a plan, if your don't have a plan, you plan to fail.

Its never to late of a formal education, I went back to school at 27.
Granted it was only a two year thing but hey, they can't take it from me either.

One makes there own History in this Life, finding the tools to make history thats always the problem - Jude

I am in school right now, i am in my 4th year of my apprenticeship, i just dont know if i want to stay with my company and get into office work or project manager or go out on my own.
31 years old, started out in 1998, jw lic in 2001, 2002 topped out, Ec for almost 1 year. Sometimes I feel like I'm going backwards but I really want some steak
14 years -
went form industrial helper to large commercial PM. For the last 4 have been with my own comp.
the last 2 years where I was in management for a large ec was the worst. I feel for all that are currently in that position.
I guess the plan is to eventually be less involved over time and eventually it will run without me. Thats funny. I dont know I think i will be satisfied when I actually give my kids the chance to take the reins. If they dont they just dont but I think that will be a great milestone.
peter d said:
My plan is not to be doing electrical work by this time next year. I'm hoping to land a job at a Poco.
The municipal electric utility in my area is hiring for a ground hand at this very moment. That's how most people start. About the only way around that is to go to lineman's college, which are few and far between. I know that MetEd, in PA, is so disparate that they're paying for guys to go to lineman's school. Get a wage to work for them as a trainee and they pay for the school too. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal.
I'm 58, I started in the trade in 1967 for one dollar / hour for a med. sized

comm/indust electrical contrator.

Got my Mass. licence at 21, got Mass. Master licence at 25

Was in business for 15 years, had about 30 guys on payroll at peak times.

Moved to AZ. worked as foreman and estimator for a few shops.

Now I work in the field every day doing ground-up comm/indust projects.

Right now it's hot in Az. 112 deg today.

If I stop working I'll never go back, so I keep going. and I like it!!
rustyryan34 said:
How old you are?

rustyryan34 said:
How long have you worked in the electrical field?

rustyryan34 said:
Do you work for someone or own you own company?
rustyryan34 said:
I was just wondering till what age you plan on still working out in the field?

Till death do us part... But I'm actually working on winning the lottery.
in the trade since I started working (illegally) as a "helper" at 16.
worked industrial many years, contracted, foreman for others and now
I'll quit when someone pays my medical bills for me :)
benaround said:
I started in the trade in 1967 for one dollar / hour for a med. sized

comm/indust electrical contrator.

We just had our grass cut while we get the mower fixed and they charge a dollar / minute. :grin:
I just had a couple questions for everyone,

How old you are? 48

How long have you worked in the electrical field? 21 Was an industrial maintenance man before that.

Do you work for someone or own you own company? Someone else, but I have owned my own - debt collections stink!

I was just wondering till what age you plan on still working out in the field? 45 - my plan has failed. :grin:
rustyryan34 said:
I am in school right now, i am in my 4th year of my apprenticeship, i just dont know if i want to stay with my company and get into office work or project manager or go out on my own.
This is nothing to Just Finishing ! ... Believe me, finishing this is not an end at all, this will only open other doors if you so choose.

... Just watch out for the next turn in your life. :) you'll never know the other direction you could have gone once you make a choice ! Hopefully it will be the correct choice for you and your concerns in the big picture that is Life ...
How old you are? 18

How long have you worked in the electrical field? One and a half year working, one and a half years in votech

Do you work for someone or own you own company? I work for a small contractor mostly service, I also have my own business (legal sidework for when I quit in two weeks for college) :grin:

I was just wondering till what age you plan on still working out in the field? Lets say 60, but hey thats 42 years away! I would like to still be in the field when I have a large company, but we'll see how that turns out!:confused:
How old you are?

44 years

How long have you worked in the electrical field?

27 years, I was working in trade at 17.

Do you work for someone or own you own company?

Employee, never interested in running a company.

I was just wondering till what age you plan on still working out in the field?

Till I bank enough dough to stop or hit the lottery.

Most likely that means I will be working into my 60s.
A recent editorial in "Engineering News Record" magazine said that the average age of people in the construction industry from labors on up to the engineers and senior managers is 54. The average of the group that posted here is 41.5. The main point of the editorial was that we, as an industry, need to find ways to attract people to this industry.
Chris I was 17 when I started and shortly after my 18 B-day (about 5 months later) I realized construction electrician was not my path.
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