How much experienced you believe you have?

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"Pay a small fee and the State would mail you a license. It's a little harder now to get a license."

When New Jersey started to issue a license, under the grandfather clause, they had to appear before the newly formed board, with evidence that they were active in business of electrical contracting, and were given an oral test, and and the board had the option of giving a practical test, at that time some plumbers that did the electrical on boilers, applied for a license and they were granted, that all changed when testing was started, so after lic#459 or there abouts, some say it was 319, the state would have exact records, you had to apply and test for a license.
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The more I learn and the more years in the trade, the more I know that I will never know it all
we all have expertise in different areas of the trade and
and can learn from each other but the field is very broad and dangerous
This is why we get and deserve good money
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