How To get Arkansas Master License

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Senior Member
How do you get license for this State I am Master for Texas and my company is looking to do some work in Arkansas
We dont Reciprocate with Arkansas so what the procedure? Or anyone have experience doing that? Thanx


Arkansas Master

Arkansas Master

Texas is currently working to reciprocate with Arkansas on the Master's, I do not know how long this will take to finalize. They have been working on it for several years. Other than that, if you have taken the Master's test for Texas you will not have any problem passing anybody's test. I would set for the test if you need quickly.


Senior Member
NE Arkansas
Masters' licenses are granted by the Board of Electrical Examiners in Little Rock. You should be able to get the paperwork on line.

Once you submit the paperwork, they will review it and vote on it at their next monthly meeting - then let you know what they want.

The Board is completely separate from an entirely different group that issues contractors' licenses- though having a Masters' is a prerequisite for getting a contractors' license.

I did smile when I saw my license was issued by Charlie Daniels. :)
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