how to handle customer

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electricalperson said:
i wonder if the thermocouple was burned up somehow because of the upsidedown burner. doesnt the thermocouple just sense if the pilot is on and if it senses its off it shuts the gas off?

The pilot burner is also (usually) attached to the mainburner (or the first of several burner tubes). Screwed to a flange thing on it that would make it damned hard to install a t-couple to... if that burner were not in the correct position at that time. The 2, 3 or 4 other burners might be upside down but you would have to almost blind to not see the lack of little holes.
thanks. i understand the wiring of the burner but the internal workings of it im a little unfamilar of. this is all new to me. hopefully the OP will be alright at the end of this.
emahler said:
perfect example of why you should have contracts that require customers signatures agreeing to the price before you do the work and accepting the work as satisfactory upon completion of the work...

This concept is lost on many EC's unfortunately.
#1. I would call El Cheapos bluff.

#2. Have your service call forms made up to where the customer signs to give you permission to work on the property, and as suggested, sign off on the operation of the equipment.
In my opinion, fighting these things is not worth the time and money. I would just give him the money back and say good riddence. The reality is that the amount of time lost to fight this guy is a loss of money in itself, and more than the original charge.

BTW: I am mellowing in my old age.

No way would I lay down for this one. I would contact the gas co. that worked on the unit talking with the service person that went on the call to hear his side of the story. I seriously doubt the story of the burners upside down. Sounds like the HO didn't like your price and IF he called the gas co. for service they found nothing wrong and charged for a service call now he wants to recoup so of his cheap money
ceb said:
No way would I lay down for this one. I would contact the gas co. that worked on the unit talking with the service person that went on the call to hear his side of the story. I seriously doubt the story of the burners upside down. Sounds like the HO didn't like your price and IF he called the gas co. for service they found nothing wrong and charged for a service call now he wants to recoup so of his cheap money

I can see your point, but at my billing rate, it just is not cost effective to waste a half -day or more chasing down a bill for one service call. It needs to make fiscal sense, I cannot spend a day to chase an hour's pay (that I may still lose in the end). I hate to lose the money, but throwing good money after bad does not make it any better.
etelectric said:
Went out for a service call. Customer agreed to terms on phone. Customer said powervent wasnt working, I tested and found the thermocouple was bad. I told customer I was going to replace thermocouple, he agreed. When I gave him the invoice he argued saying he did not think the problem was fixed. I assured him it was and showed him that the furnace would fire and refire when t-stat called. He called 2 days later saying he could smell gas so he called the gas company they came out told him burners were upside down and he had a bad themocouple. He now wants a refund and wants to take me to court What should I do

What state are you in? Does this state require an HVAC license to service a gas fired furnace? Here I wouldn't be allowed to touch his furnace so I would have told him to call a heating and air company. Still get paid for the service call, just don't do anything except give advice.
Tiger Electrical said:
I worked for a guy like this. I call them the "split personalities". They act reasonable until you present the invoice (even with a previously signed Contract or Service Work Order). Then they go ballistic. It's not about your work, it's a very rude negotiating tactic to get free work from contractors. The best defense is payment in full, in advance by credit card (not AmEx) with a signed Contract. Of course you have to pay attention to your intuition when you think you're talking to a split personality, and demand payment in full, in advance.

this tactic is very common. i cant see how people can do this. its like going to a resturant and eating your entire meal then complain about it to get it for free.
growler said:
What state are you in? Does this state require an HVAC license to service a gas fired furnace? Here I wouldn't be allowed to touch his furnace so I would have told him to call a heating and air company. Still get paid for the service call, just don't do anything except give advice.
So am i the only EC that wires zone valves for confused plumbers or a thermostat or control box for zone valves? Is this a grey area? I had a customer buy a chandalier on line and when I went to install it the whole thing was in its basic parts and I had to put it together.I remember the homeowner telling me she cant beileve how cheap it was. Yea so cheap you get to put it together. When i told my boss at the time he told me to stop being a little bit ch .
But for what ever reason many of us do this grey area work. Now, if I don't know the customer or it involves money over 1000 bucks i ask them to sign a contract.
And someone mentioned people wanting stuff for free. And that is so true. I had a customer get mad at me for charging them a small fee for changing out a control box for a zone vale. He asked me if i would change out the bad relay because he got tired of shuving a piece of cardboard under the relay to keep it closed.
I later found out that he was outragged at the 55 bucks I charged him . I basically did it as a favor, i was there already to replace the 1/2" copper pipe he stuck in there (because the fuse kept blowing,)with a properly sized fuse in one of his switches in his buss duct system.
Was I wrong in charging him 55$ My hourly rate is 85$.
tonyou812 said:
So am i the only EC that wires zone valves for confused plumbers or a thermostat or control box for zone valves? Is this a grey area?

There is nothing grey about it here in NJ - only an EC can perform that work (barring the HO exception) or a contractor with an exempt license...typically the HVAC unless the plumber has the exempt status he is in violation of the law no matter how confused he is about wiring up a zone valve.:wink:

tonyou812 said:
I had a customer get mad at me for charging them a small fee for changing out a control box for a zone vale. He asked me if i would change out the bad relay because he got tired of shuving a piece of cardboard under the relay to keep it closed.
I later found out that he was outragged at the 55 bucks I charged him . I basically did it as a favor, i was there already to replace the 1/2" copper pipe he stuck in there (because the fuse kept blowing,)with a properly sized fuse in one of his switches in his buss duct system.
Was I wrong in charging him 55$ My hourly rate is 85$.

You should have took your relay out put, the cardboard back and asked "Happy now?" :grin:
tonyou812 said:
So am i the only EC that wires zone valves for confused plumbers or a thermostat or control box for zone valves? Is this a grey area?

The issue with many contractors is, they may not be insured, for working on gas appliances.
I can see your point, but at my billing rate, it just is not cost effective to waste a half -day or more chasing down a bill for one service call. It needs to make fiscal sense, I cannot spend a day to chase an hour's pay (that I may still lose in the end). I hate to lose the money, but throwing good money after bad does not make it any better.

I can see your point, it just a principle thing. Send him his money back by CHECK (so you will have a record) and place his name and number on the do not call back list, ( better known as the customer that will screw you list):mad:
etelectric said:
He called 2 days later saying he could smell gas so he called the gas company they came out told him burners were upside down and he had a bad themocouple. He now wants a refund and wants to take me to court What should I do

I am not a lawyer... first thing I'd do is say "Send me a copy of the gas company's work order & the writeup of that they fixed. I can't do anything without that." Likely as not, he never even called them.
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