I wouldn't put lights in my own pool either, seems like completely unnecessary risk. Pumps and heaters are more of a necessity, but at least are not right in the user vicinity. Bonding everything still sounds like a good idea even if nothing associated with the pool is electric powered.
Been around livestock, of course horses are a little different to the owner than most other animals - they are more of a pet than an asset, but are still subjected to similar voltage sensitivity as many other critters of similar size and build.
Cattle in a feedyard, seen them get electrocuted a time or two. Owner takes the loss on that one critter, fixes the fault and moves on. This kind of incident isn't too common, often the cow was already at the watering trough when the fault happened and gets killed immediately. If the trough were energized with no cattle at it, they typically will feel something as they approach because of how long of a base they have between front and back legs they will span over more voltage gradient than a human would, plus they don't wear any shoes that add to insulating them from the ground. When they feel that voltage they typically just stay away, farmer/rancher will notice they aren't drinking and then discover the tank is live.
Pigs however have too much curiosity. You find one dead at the water tank and chances are better there will be others that want to check things out and end up with even more dead. Not many pigs around here are in unheated space anymore, so the need to electrify a water tank to prevent freezing is not what it used to be in swine operations.
Cattle also get zapped by an electric fence once and tend to just stay away afterward. A pig will keep coming back to test it, curiosity the main reason.