How to size branch circuit OCPD and conductors for this

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That's something Ive never been clear on. When do I need to provide NEC overload protection for something that has a motor in it? Does the manufacturer take care of that? Am I supossed to dive into and dissect the whole thing and see if it supplied to meet the NEC? It would be nice if everything was supplied with the data like HVAC equipment, as Jraef mentioned. I often don't see that provided.

My guess is if the overload info is not shown then it is probably built in. Not certain but that's my guess.
did it come with a UL listed panel? if so, take a look at the schematics and see what, if anything is provided.

430.32 covers which overload protections are suitable for continuous duty motors over and under 1 HP.
Yeah, if the entire compressor is UL listed, they would have to provide all of the necessary separate protections etc. But I suspect that having come from Germany, it might not be. If it were UL listed, the data plate would have to state a lot more things than they are showing there; SCCR, MOCP etc. etc. I don't see that, unless maybe there is another plate we are being shown, like on the control panel itself.
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