[hur sandy] NYU Hospital Evacuated After Generator Failure

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Nature is and always will be more powerful than man.
No doubt. Man is a brief flash in time.

Is man capable of creating ...lakes covering millions of acres
Lake Volta = 2,095,928 acres

Some get all upset about emissions we put into the atmosphere, my understanding was when Mt. St. Helens blew, it put more pollution into the air than the entire industrial revolution.
I have heard similar stats, like fractions of percent.

Man is the dominant species of this planet, but is still pretty powerless compared to nature.
The Egyptians were the stuff but most of their "great" civilization is buried along with their knowledge. If time goes on we will be buried too. Red giant, supernova, meteor, who knows? Here we have no continuing city.
Lake Volta = 2,095,928 acres

I didn't think of some of the larger reservoirs we have already made when I mentioned that. Still we took advantage of nature by damming one of natures existing waterways. When I said that I was thinking more along the lines of the many glacier formed lakes there are. Especially the North American Great Lakes.
Either way most hospitals I work at have the emergency ATS room next to the switchgear room. Even if the generator wasn't flooded, there was a good chance the equipment it feeds would have been.
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