40 foot aluminum pole, base set in pre--cast concrete. Concrete is cured and dry. Resistance is high. Aluminum oxide essentially insulates the pole from the concrete.
Supply is 2400 volts, series primary to individual transformers. No equipment ground wire, ground fault detected by residual current relay for detecting a ground fault.
Without a driven 5/8" by 10' foot rod at each pole, the residual fault detector will not function.
Pole will elevate to 2400 volts through capacitance coupling.
There is many reasons for grounding light poles, refer to ANSI/IES RP8, ANSI C-2,
When the NESC can show that a rod is necessary for safety, how come it is not safe under the NEC?
I think it is time to crack the old engineering b00ks.
40 foot aluminum pole, base set in pre--cast concrete. Concrete is cured and dry. Resistance is high. Aluminum oxide essentially insulates the pole from the concrete.
Supply is 2400 volts, series primary to individual transformers. No equipment ground wire, ground fault detected by residual current relay for detecting a ground fault.
Without a driven 5/8" by 10' foot rod at each pole, the residual fault detector will not function.
Pole will elevate to 2400 volts through capacitance coupling.
There is many reasons for grounding light poles, refer to ANSI/IES RP8, ANSI C-2,
When the NESC can show that a rod is necessary for safety, how come it is not safe under the NEC?
I think it is time to crack the old engineering b00ks.