I.C.C. Inspector Certification (E2)

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Passed the E2 exam on first try. Look for the question not the answer. Having hard time with E3 exam.

What I do with my students is bring home a real good electrical plan from work ( Yes, I have permission from the customer and my office ) and use it with the students to help point out things they may see on the E3 exam. If you took the E2 Commerical Electrical Inspector Exam from ICC do not wait a long time before attempting the E3 as their is not much difference except more transformer questions. These questions are very basic so do not dwell on them BUT learn where things are on the plans and symbols and how to determine circuit layouts and you should have no problems.
Make sure you download the course outline from the online certifications page on the iccsafe.org website.

The ICC exams follow a very specific format and never deviate. Break down the outline into the total number of questions expected in each section and assign those questions to a chapter or article in the code. This will tell you exaly what sections you need to spend more time on and what sections you likely won't even see on the exam.

Also be aware of the time per question alloted for the exam.

I would suggest the computer based testing. Not only do you get a clock on the screen, but you can mark questions, review the questions, and best of all... get your results immediately after the exam.

I am currently preparing for my 14th ICC certification so am quite intimate with the exams and exam formats.
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