She did pay with a CC and I was worried about it being reversed.
quietly go about your business, and on the off chance she calls,
i'd have too much work to be able to schedule her. she won't call.
you are done with her.
i've got a customer who isn't cod, it's payment in full BEFORE
i schedule him. we have never gotten to the ugly aspect of payment.
he gives my info to his customers, and i deal directly with them.
i think he knows better after the time i showed up at his shop, and
didn't leave until he cut a check. it took a year to get paid. $1,500.
a year of him dodging me. what a flake.
and THEY are all payment before delivery. i've discovered almost
every single one of his customers are as sketchy as he is. but i've
made $30~40k off of the bunch of them. i'm a whore, and there you are.
i've got one of his customers tomorrow morning, at 5 am in inglewood.
payment before i email the certificate. there are two levels of risk in inglewood.
this is the inglewood low level risk area. 5 am. i'll walk it and be out of there
in 20 minutes. i'll wait till i see that paypal has got money before i log onto the
state server and issue the certificate.
it's a sketchy world, the last two years. i never had payment issues ever
before cooties. now, i've got about $20k i'll probably never see. it is what it is.