- Location
So my day started with us going to the supply house to pick up some 15min timers and some other odds and ends. Then we went to a verizon store to estimate a job that they had asked him. There unhappy with there lighting. That will a be a job for maybe next week about 20 troffers. Then we were off to the actual job. It is a 3 family house. The problem is that all the lighting in common areas are tapped into feeds from tenants. Which cant be done. Common areas have to be on the owners meter. So we have to rewire every common light, and smoke dedector in common areas to a new a circuit. Or should a say new meter and panal. It will probably take another couple of days to finish. Alot of it is knob & tube. I was like what the hell is this? So he explained the madness behind it. Were doing the work in 1/2 emt. I did the measuring and cutting of the pipe a couple of 90's and box offsets. Tomorrow were pulling wire. But yeah other than that it was a very good day. Im exciting for next week thought we gotta put in a 1000 amp service. Thats gonna be swweeeeet.