I just can't explain this...

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I have been asked repeatedly, but I just don't have a good answer.
Arc-faults are required almost everywhere in a house now. Part of the reason being, for protection due to damage in the wiring within the house. So important is this concept, that the wiring to the first arc-fault receptacle (if it existed) possibly only 4 feet away from the panel, must be in conduit, since that small portion of the wiring wouldn't be protected.

So why is all of the wiring to the garage, crawl space, attic, kitchen and bathroom allowed to be run through the house without protection?

Any ideas?:-?

This site may answer some of your questions.

Its too bad that a code book that was intended to be for safety measures as a guide to follow has been hijacked for people to make money. I wonder if it will ever go backward (less code). Probally not as long as there are lawyers and sue happy people still around.
Its too bad that a code book that was intended to be for safety measures as a guide to follow has been hijacked for people to make money. I wonder if it will ever go backward (less code). Probally not as long as there are lawyers and sue happy people still around.

LMAO Thats funny, which rhymes with MONEY, which means No Way. As long as the industry is making billions of dollars on AFCI's they will push them into every installation that they can get away with, just wait once they require them on EVERY circuit in a house, they will move to commercial applications. Greed is the driving force on this, not safety. Don't get me wrong I do think they are good, but I don't need to wear a belt and suspenders. If you want to argue safety you can sell anything. There is a point that reason should take over.
I really dont know but I question the money incentive. For example Siemans is so big AFCI sales is too small to mater. You can look at their 10k with the link below. Maybe other companie are more affected but who? I am not dismissing this "profit" issue but on the same hand I find it difficult to believe since many of these companies are too big. Ge, Siemans, eaton, and frenSchneider Electric whic is 98% of SQ D.

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