I think I overkilled it :)

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Tiny little ghetto duplex.

Original 60 amp services w/ 2, 20 amp circuits each. One for the evaporative cooler and one for lights/receps.


Time for an upgrade, so rather than ordering a more suitable service I just used our standard resi Seimans 40 space 200 amp all in ones @ just over $100 each.


Plenty of room for future :)

There is crown moulding at the eave so I tried to offset bend some 2" IMC but failed (kinked) so I just mounted some 4x4 to stand the whole thing off far enough for the risers to clear.
You've just set the new standard for overkill. :D

Do they make a smaller 100 amp all-in-one that you're allowed to use by your poco?
well that leaves plenty of room to expand when the meth lab moves in.

works looks nice; i like the mast support.

I would've popped a 1-hole strap on the third EMT to the left on the right service just under the kick.
emahler said:
i hope you staked down the opposite side of the house to keep it from tipping over

ha, yeh really!

I have a Q:

what did you use to fasten the 4x4's to the block?
220/221 said:
Tiny little ghetto duplex.

Original 60 amp services w/ 2, 20 amp circuits each. One for the evaporative cooler and one for lights/receps.


Time for an upgrade, so rather than ordering a more suitable service I just used our standard resi Seimans 40 space 200 amp all in ones @ just over $100 each.


Plenty of room for future :)

There is crown moulding at the eave so I tried to offset bend some 2" IMC but failed (kinked) so I just mounted some 4x4 to stand the whole thing off far enough for the risers to clear.
looks good. Hey that's my ladder!!
I have a bit of a problem here.

One of my eyes popped out of my head and I'm having a bit of trouble getting back in the socket.

Does anyone have the number to 911?
Is the unistrut and strap within 3' of the meter enclosure? Installation sure looks a lot better than the original install.
stickboy1375 said:
okay, whats the 3' rule?

Never mind, I found it, 344.30 (A)

(A) Securely Fastened RMC shall be securely fastened within 900 mm (3 ft) of each
outlet box, junction box, device box, cabinet, conduit body, or other conduit termination.
Fastening shall be permitted to be increased to a distance of 1.5 m (5 ft) where structural
members do not readily permit fastening within 900 mm (3 ft). Where approved, conduit
shall not be required to be securely fastened within 900 mm (3 ft) of the service head for
above-the-roof termination of a mast.
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I put in an overhead service a couple of weeks ago and the HO told me it looked industrial. She was right. For over kill I believe this takes the cake however I believe iwire is right and there is a violation here. Looks like you could have gotten a couple of pieces of unistrut behind the pipes and fastened them to the eave. Very nice looking work though.:smile:
I thought I was bad about over kills. You've got me beat.:smile:

The big blue store has started carrying 100 amp meterbase combo's with the main breaker in it and 20 spaces for about $50 bucks.

But for this installation I would have used a double gang meterbase with one mask. Two small panels under it. That rigid is exspensive, I'll bet.
Looks good but IMO you have a support violation.

On the risers? I thought so too but decided to try it. POCO inspects the risers and I was sure they would approve (and they did). I was prepared to slip another 4x4 above the panels with a piece of strut to support them. The strut supports at the top are about 4' 4" above the panels. The back braces are thru bolted thru the rafters.

Fastening shall be permitted to be increased to a distance of 1.5 m (5 ft) where structural
members do not readily permit fastening within 900 mm (3 ft).

I'm goin with that.^

I could have probably found a 125 amp service but the last time I looked, it was more expensive than the full sized 200 amp. Supply and demand I guess.

Couldn't use strut on the eave because of the angled crown moulding.

Also, I had my help put on a few more 1/2 emt straps.

No snap in's on this one Peter...sorry.

I bolted each of the 4x4's with 3, 1/2" x 5" sleeve anchors.

This just in. City inspector wanted a bond bushing on a 1/2" EMT connector that was in a concentric KO. I thought that was only for over 250V???...whatever.

He also made us relocate the gas bonds. I put them where I generally put them, just past the meter on the customer side. For some reason, he wanted it about ten feet away, where it entered the building. I wasn't there or I would have asked him for a code reference. He said something about it blowing up when lightning strikes. I had left town already so my guy just did what he wanted to get them back on line.

PS. Had to relocate due to proximity to the gas meters.
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