IAEI pros vs cons

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What is $5k when you are a multi-million dollar organization? Your due for membership is $102. For crying out loud, grow up.

So if we ask questions about the IAEI we are children?

If I was an inspector I would probably join.

I have some of their books and their website is a great place to find info.

None of that elevates the IAEI to a position that is above some questions.
So if we ask questions about the IAEI we are children?
No. But based on some of the comments as of late, I am starting to wonder.

If I was an inspector I would probably join.
That would be a good thing.

I have some of their books and their website is a great place to find info.
I agree

None of that elevates the IAEI to a position that is above some questions.
Of course not. But, some are asking retorical questions that have no relevance or serve no purpose to this forum.

I get the impression that some here thought I ws trying to promote the IAEI here on his Forum. I again assure you that was not the intent. I was forwarding information exactly in the form I received it so others here could benefit from it. Nothing more.

I have started hundreds of posts relaying information I receive from a multitude of organizations across the spectrum of our industry. If I seem a little offended that persons here on this forum have questioned my integrity and decision making as a moderator, well its true. And I assure you, I don't get offended for no reasons at all.
Does anyone want to join "I.A.I.E." that I'm starting?

International Association of ultra Intelligent Electricians.

The entrance fee is $10,000, but well worth it

Ummm...Mr. Ultra Intelligent Electrician Sir, that would be the I.A.U.I.E....but since I believe in the cause, please accept my I.O.U for my entrance fee...
Okay Scott. I will accept that you are truly bothered by all this. I don't take back any of my actions as a moderator or member of this forum. If it is against the protocal for a moderator to post on closed topics, then you can be certain I will never do that again. But also be certain I will close any topic or delete any posts that serve no other purpose than bashing a member or consist of endless complaints about the injustice of the poor and battered members here by the moderators. There will be no uprising or moderator overthrow on this Forum.
"I get the impression that some here thought I ws trying to promote the IAEI here on his Forum"

Since I was one of those who took it that way, I guess I should respond here. As far as the closed thread, I apologized to Bryan for what he felt was a question to his integrity. My thread was improper and should have been closed. I still feel, however, the original was an "overt" if not "direct" advertisement.
That said and hopefully over with, let me state I am not anti-IAEI. In fact,
with the exception of a few years, I was a memeber since the '70s and am now again a member (although that status is questionable at the new rates).
The local Chapter, to me, is the key. Is the magazine worth $102 ?, To me, no way, I get far better informtion here and would give Mike $$ before I would subscribe just for the magazine. Is is worth it yo support your professional organization? Up to each individuial. As an inspector, I felt I should, but when I comes to writing the check :D.
At one time the local chapter meetings made being a member of the organization a pleasure. As Bryan stated, it can be work, and I too have held various officers positions in IAEI which, though stressful, is rewarding.
As far as my situation, be it my age or the meetings, attendance has becomee far less rewarding.
My suggestion would be to go to a local Chapter meeting and make your decision based on that. Some are very active and you get a lot for your money, others are disappointing.
My suggestion would be to go to a local Chapter meeting and make your decision based on that. Some are very active and you get a lot for your money, others are disappointing.

The ones that are disappointing are lacking leadership and member committment. Like the members of this forum that call into question that actions of the moderators, call your local chapter / division officers into questioning. Make them serve you or put yourself in a position to do it yourself. Be active. Make the meetings worth while.

Questioning the organization or complianing about it on this Forum certainly won't do any good...
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When a person such as yourself believes in something as much as you believe in the IAEI, it is hard sometimes to see the forest for the trees.

I believe you had and still have nothing but outstanding intentions and actions on this site and any place else that I have come across you.

But, when one deals with so many different people, it is hard to post anything without at least one of those people questioning the action...it is human nature and the difference of us all, that account for such behavior.

It should not surprise people on this site, as the ratio of posts with just fact posted in relation to opinion posted is extremely one sided.
...yes, including myself
It should not surprise people on this site, as the ratio of posts with just fact posted in relation to opinion posted is extremely one sided.
...yes, including myself
Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing. This isn't the Lincoln-Douglas debates, so opinion is just as valid of an expression as fact is.
I can't see how anyone would see the original post as not promoting the IAEI.

I understand now how it would appear that way based on the title and the opening paragraph, all wrtitten by the IAEI, not me. I forwarded it just as I received it.

But based on my history alone, all that responded to that post are fully aware I have never pushed the IAEI, its products, or its membership on this forum. I do however, forward information passed on to me by them as I receive it as I do from other organizations such as the NFPA, NECA, UL, ect, ect.

No one ever jumped down my throat over those posts....

Many of threads I have started make statements or could apepar to be an endorsement, when the fact is I personally make no statement or comment either way. I am simply providing the information. This is the first of which, I was personally attacked by only a small number of members via emails and new topics.

In short, don't kill the messenger.
And now this thread has gone off track as did the others.

Time to end this nonsense, have a group hug and move on.


I think we could accomplish a lot more than bickering over who did what to who for how many peanuts.
I understand now how it would appear that way based on the title and the opening paragraph, all wrtitten by the IAEI, not me. I forwarded it just as I received it.

I went to the IAEI page as soon as all this started, I guess you might consider a "phonic's" refresher to use open and close quotes, or the use of slanting the font or even coloring text ...
To show what Bryan what looking at, click here. They use the heading "A Value That Is Unmatched". If you question his use of that heading for his thread, that is more appropriately addressed via PM.

So, returning to the original post:

Why would one consider joining?

Why are there so many price levels?

What do you get for your money?

I see you get six issues of the IAEI magazine.

Do you get a discount at seminars? Are the seminars free for members?

The simple fact this thread is addressing is that the IAEI doesn't do a good job of advertising what you get when you contribute. Therefore, many would not join IAEI based on what they know. What can IAEI members add to this thread?
So, returning to the original post:............
I see you get six issues of the IAEI magazine.

Do you get a discount at seminars? Are the seminars free for members?

The simple fact this thread is addressing is that the IAEI doesn't do a good job of advertising what you get when you contribute. Therefore, many would not join IAEI based on what they know. What can IAEI members add to this thread?

Just in the Eastern Section there are 25 Chapters and 2 divisions. With each Chapter and division doing their work of disseminating electrical code information to their membership and walk-ins at seminars it is very helpful to the industry at large to benefit from a safety standpoint alone. What a great way to get the word out.
The work they do on analyzing the NEC code changes is phenominal. (Just as is Mike Holt's, btw:wink:)
I can only speak of my own experience. I am an Associate IAEI member not very active in my chapter(looking to be more involved after the first of the year). I have attended a Grounding and Bonding seminar sponsered by 3 chapters in my area. The speaker was Chuck Mello from UL and CMP5 it was an outstanding experience. My chapter just sponsered a seminar on standby power systems. I was unable to attend this but from all accounts I read it was a success.

BTW the grounding and bonding seminar was (I think) $75. Included: The Soares Book on Grounding, The UL White Book and a very informitive day with a well respected instructor

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