Ice Vending Machine

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I have a customer thats installing a Ice/Water Vending machine at a self serve car wash. I told him it needs a GFCI for the branch circuit from panel inside building. It would also require a non fused disconnect on the outside next to the Machine. Is there anything that prevents you from putting a lock on the equipment disconnect to keep someone from randomly shuting it off.
I also hava a question on the wiring. I have to reach out to manufacture to see if its a 3wire 30A 240v or a 4w 30A 240V branch circuit. If its a 4wire can you switch just the hots and feed neutral straight through the disconnect to machine, or do you need a neutral bar in disconnect
You can always just splice the neutral and use the bars in the disconnect for the grounds. I believe those bars are already grounded.
Can you use a Standard 30A pull out AC disconnect for disconnectiong means on a commercial Ice/ Water Machine.
Ive never used one before
You might want to check your equipment cut sheet or nameplate. Some of those require fuse protection.
I believe that this EVEREST VX Series Ice /Water machine falls under the guidelines of a Vending machine. The specs call for a 2pole 30A Circuit to this machine per Everest Company. I was installing a 2pole 30A GE GFCI Breaker in a loadcenter inside the mechanical room and running a 3wire 220v circuit to the outside and installing a 30a GE A/C pullout style disconnect and then run out of disconnect down lower and setting a junction box to install a 3wire cord that is furnished with the machine. The Everest Company has told me there is no need for any fuses in the disconnect. But he told me it cant be on a GFCI Breaker. I believe by code it is required to be on a GFCI Breaker. If anyone out there has done one of these installs and can help me I would appreciate it. I just keep going in circles
There is a section in the installation manual that describes what needs to be done should the local code require the machine to be connected t a GFCI breaker.

Google the installation manual for the unit you sent us.

It's in the literature.

Everest VX Series Ice Machines
Warning: (Should your local code require the machine to be connected to a GFCI Breaker,
use only a GFCI with select current sensor sensitivity of 200 mA, and not < 0.1 second
detection to avoid nuisance tripping. For more information on this, please refer to the VFD
Manual that was provided with your machine. If that is not accessible, please reach out to
Everest's service department.)

This is what the manual says on installing a GFCI Breaker on this machine. I am thinking that this Ice Machine is considered to be a vending machine and NEC requires it to be GFCI protected per 422.5. If that is to be the case where do you find a GE GFCI Breaker that has these parameters. The manufacturer is saying this machine will not work with standard GFCI , which im guessing is from The VFD. Also im understanding by talking to Manufacturer that a GFCI is not required. I keep going in circles on this
I have tried that He wont answer. Doent this fall under a vending machine and require GFCI per 2020NEC
422.5.A.5 (NEC 2023)


They show an NSF logo for listing? But I cannot find the company in the certification tab. 422.6
That's what I thought.
It indicates "Shall be Provided with" so, shouldn't the Machine come with it's own GFI protection?
Doesn't the "multiple" protection mean that we are responsible for providing additional GFI protection for the Branch Circuit if the location warrants it?

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