I'm cleaning out the shed...

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Which I intended to be done BY Memorial day, not still working on it ON Memorial day... and came across 2 30a breakers. I've never installed a 120v 30a circuit except maybe once for some kind of Xerox machine... I've seen these behind the supply house counter and also at the Big Orange Box. Is there something I'm missing, or am I seeing way too many single pole 30s than I should? WHat in heck needs a 30a 120v circuit?
RV receps are the only place I've used them. I've also came across SP 40's and even a SP 50 once. Now that, I have no idea where you'd use it.
Lawnguy, I am with you. I was in a house the other day that had single pole 30s. I don't what that was about but when I go back I will check it out farther. It also had some minis that I have never seen before. They were side by side or one handle was in front of the other handle.
I had an old '30s vintage "Monkey" Wards 12" radial arm saw with a 2HP 115V motor on it, 26FLA. I had to go buy a 30A CB to feed it, I ran #8 wire to it (80+ feet from the panel to the shed). After I sold that saw, I removed the breaker. Anyone want one? I haven't had a need for it since... ;)
Lawnguy, I am with you. I was in a house the other day that had single pole 30s. I don't what that was about but when I go back I will check it out farther. It also had some minis that I have never seen before. They were side by side or one handle was in front of the other handle.

Square D? I know they make 2 different types of tandems, found a few of those during the cleanup as well...
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