I'm sweating on this one...

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Johnmcca said:
Larry, the musical analogy was interesting, nicely done:grin:
I second that motion.
peteo said:
Before 1990, asides from specialty equipment, there were two main choices:
Many thanks peteo. That finally explained some confusion I always had on this issue.
I re-read what I'd posted. Sounds very presumputous. Just trying to share some (limited) experience. I also made a typo, hopefully not too unclear. With typos doubleplus ungood,

What I wrote was
1) A 10 HP single phase motor is almost always three phase.

What I shoud've wrote was
1) A 10 HP motor is almost always three phase.
Nice paper. OEM's often publish xNR's (news releases) tailored for trade journals or other media outlets, which highlight product offerings without financing expensive and often ignored advertisements. These custom tailored news studies and releases are now a major source of revenue and content for published and broadcast news services.

In the absence of better suggestions, and after reading the "Phase Perfect" study referenced above, it seemed fairly objective and informative, if not timely and appropriate for several of the phase-converter inquiries this week.
I recently specified PhasePerfect converters for some air conditioners in a large home where 3-phase power was not available. How could you run rotary converters with a thermostat in control? Just made sense.
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