In biz. not even a year...

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An even better defense is to not put yourself into a position that would require a defense in the first place.

Well said! Heard that out of my Dad many times.
He just passed away a month ago. I really miss him.........
There would still be a price to pay, before ultimately winning. An even better defense is to not put yourself into a position that would require a defense in the first place.

The above is all too true. why should Mike H. have to go through the bull, just to keep one of the forum members happy.

There are lessons to be learned everyday. This is a lesson that has been taught for eons.

If one is in business today and not taking care of oneself, shame on him.

I wonder, does the OP have a properly drawn up contract? I doubt it, that is a rare item in this trade.
Being a good electrician does not make a good businessman. Just as in the electrical field, there is a ton to know and understand as a business owner.
check the small claims process in your state - in Massachusetts you can sue in small claims for up to 2k - then if you win you can ask the court for a "writ of execution" if he doesn't pay after judgement - you bring that to the local constable who then will confiscate assets such as a work truck and hold it until payment is made.
I have done this in Massachusetts and have gotten paid - all other tactics don't work as well.

I threatened to sue - didn't work, I filed a complaint with the state - nothing came of it - took it to small claims and got the "execution" - had my money 3 weeks later - including attorneys fees, court fees, and interest. (attorney fee was for letter sent by attorney demanding payment)

The whole court process did take about 8 months - but I got interest - more than would have from a bank.

Filing a lein may work too because it pisses off the owner of the property and gets him involved - you should call the owner of the property first and tell him you are going to file a lein - he in turn will go ballistic on the GC if he already paid the GC which may help you to get paid. it also may help the GC get paid if he got stiffed by the owner.
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GC has been paid in full for sure. He told me they 'are all paid up'
about a month ago. This of course just got me even more wound up. Homeowners of course had the same story. So where's MY money?

Again, no written contract. talked to two different lawers this morning.
To my surprise, they both said not to worry about it. The guy I don't know said he could do a lien for $800, and the guy I've known for years said 'you don't even need a lawer' just go to small claims court.

you don't need a lawyer to file a lien. I've seen it happen many times that the homeowner ends up paying the sub who put the lien on his house just to lift the lien off the house. They get mad as hell but that may be your only recourse - or take the GC to small claims

Whatever you do, don't walk away - don't let that SOB GC steal from you.

After I went through a similar ordeal last year - after I got paid about 1 year after I did the work and court, etc - I started telling every sub I knew about this GC that tried to rip me off - now - no one will work for him - apparently he has ripped or tried to rip off many people - word gets around and he'll do himself in on his own.

I laugh at him now every time I see him - and we live in a small town.
Again, no written contract.

You didn't have any written contract? I'd suggest you have at least some kind of contract for the work to be done and the amount to be paid.

That aside I'd also check into placing a better business bureau complaint against him in addition to the other steps you are taking. I would also consider contacting the state attorney generals office. They might provide some free legal services. I'd make it a hobby of yours to get your money back and ruin this guys ability to do business. :D
You didn't have any written contract? I'd suggest you have at least some kind of contract for the work to be done and the amount to be paid.

That aside I'd also check into placing a better business bureau complaint against him in addition to the other steps you are taking. I would also consider contacting the state attorney generals office. They might provide some free legal services. I'd make it a hobby of yours to get your money back and ruin this guys ability to do business. :D

The Better Business Bureau is a marketing business, they have no powers at all al letter to them is the same as sending a letter to the easter bunny.
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